Colour your Walls!

 Because I think art speaks for itself,
I rarely talk about my artwork.
Of course I share my artwork on a daily basis,
but more in the spirit of showing what can be done with such-and-such
art supply or to encourage people to start and keep an
Art Journal or Sketchbook of their own. 
In this newsletter I am going to talk more about the finished results of my art making, rather than the process and supplies I use to do it.
On my website I offer smaller prints of my artwork that I create myself and sign.
But I really love seeing my artwork at a grander size!
But the cost and hassle of framing and hanging large pieces
kept my artwork offer small and manageable.
But I really needed a solution so I could turn my walls
into a gallery that made me feel lit-up and inspi
So when the lovely folk at Kando wanted to add my artwork to their roster of beloved Artists, Dick Bruna and Thelwell, I was beyond delighted! Kando is known for their fabulous quality, large-scale wall art. Their fabric-like decals blend seamlessly to a smooth surface ( like a wall!) and instantly solves the problem of frames and wall damage.
We have just released new designs and some gorgeous samples arrived just as I was heading out the door to visit my Mum, so I took them with me to show her. Liz’s orchids were in full bloom and they looked so good with the colours in the artwork, so we decided to place them on the wall and capture the process!
What I love about the decals is they can be moved about to find the best spot! It is way easier to have someone help you apply them and to get them straight, but it can be done by yourself as the video shows! 😂
There are many designs, each one available in different sizes.

This little lass is special to me because I drew her on the way to Monet’s Garden just outside of Paris. I was with my tour group of ‘Escape Artists’ and we were about to embark on a truly magical day of painting flowers at Giverny. The pages are scented with fallen lavender sprigs that I keep in my journal. The flowers are an antique collage piece found during a joyous Paris Flea Market excursion with those same wonderful people. This girl is holding so many  special memories!

Rainbow Diva was created during my first workshop at the JDHQ in Mullumbimby. I always have had extraordinarily lovely people attend my workshops, and it’s a true delight creating for them as I teach. 
I adore drawing mermaids and this cutie appeared during a LiveStream during our month-long celebration of them ( Mermay!). Wouldn’t it be wonderful to be best friends with a seahorse?
The Mini Fashionistas are amongst my favourites because the consist of 15 individual decals. You can get the effect of a confetti rainbow across your space! I have the Mini Fashionistas keep me company in my art studio. They are VERY handy for covering up a little bit of wall damage too 😬!
I even love placing them on my journals!
I love how art transforms a room but our eyes can get used to it so quickly. Having decals that can be moved and reused without the need for frames or drills is so FREEING!
 My lyrical colour palettes are perfectly captured in these soft, seamless, removeable, reusable and remarkable decals! There are many more artworks to choose as wall decals at Kando!
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Meet Jane

Welcome to my blog Davenpeeps!

If we haven’t met yet, I’m Jane Davenport! I’m a professional artist, art workshop teacher, 5x bestselling author, art supply creator and self-diagnosed art supply addict!

I’m a creativity expert who has guided tens of thousands of women back to their art, defying their self imposed creative gravity and making art with joy and confidence. I share my mixed media art and drawing techniques with everyday artists who feel their creativity calling them to play with colour, texture and their art supplies. I hope my blog can help you embrace the mess, let go of perfectionitis and experience the joy of creativity.


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