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For an artist it is essential!
Create your own masterpieces with step by step tutorials on drawing, painting, collage, lettering and composition. Wonderland is an online Workshop unlike any other. This is an experience.Along with step-by-step, rich-with-detail technique lessons, INSPIRATION is on the menu.

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For a century and a half it has delighted and puzzled us in equal measure. We have fallen down the rabbit hole with Alice, taken tea with her and the Mad Hatter, been maddened by the Cheshire Cat and had to convince the Queen of Hearts that we didn’t steal her tarts!
Alice in Wonderland was first published in 1865 and was inspired by a boat trip that author Lewis Carroll took with some family friends, the Liddell children, down the River Thames in Oxford. He told the youngest daughter, Alice, a story as they rowed along and she begged him to write it down. When he got home that evening he began straight away.
The book, and its sequel Through The Looking Glass and What Alice Found There, have been translated into at least 65 languages, including Cornish and Latin, and countless film and theatre adaptations have been made.
Alice in Wonderland is a book that remains as enchanting as ever, no matter how many times we reread it.


Lesson 1
Create your colour bible
In this lesson, we’ll dive down the rabbit hole into all the yummy supplies you’ll be using this workshop and have our first ‘Alicesignment’ of creating your colour bible.

Lesson 2
Painting roses – or letting things be.
Think of the Queen as the Inner Critic in your mind that makes unrealistic demands on your art. Think of the characters in Wonderland as your creativity and ideas.

Lesson 3
Which Alice?
In your Alicesignment, you are going to start in a loose, fun way to interpret Alice. We start with her dress! Have some fun dreaming up your own Alices!

Lesson 4
Tumbling Alice
Now the fun can really commence… Down the Rabbit hole we go! Enjoy creating your Tumbling Alices!

Lesson 5
Colour Cocktail
Alice comes across a little bottle labelled ‘Drink Me’ She decides to be brave and risk adventure. We are going to do the same with our watercolours.…

Lesson 6
Shoulders of Giants
We pay homage to Sir John Tenniel, Lewis Caroll’s book illustrator while adding our own modern twist with this lesson.

Lesson 7
Paint me -the small hero
Next we get a lesson in perspective drawing Alice fraction of her usual size.

Lesson 8
Flower bed – a soft landing
Let’s create give Alice something beautiful to land on! And look at Gouache at the same time.

Lesson 9
What wood be
In this lesson, the would-be White Rabbit is made of wood. A Cradled Birch Panel to be more exact.

Lesson 10
Flower face – put your petal to the metal
If I was Alice, I would want to go back to Wonderland over and over again. This is my grown-up Alice visiting the Flowers – feeling a little ‘pluck-ier this time!

Lesson 11
Vanishing act – meet the cheshire cat
One of the most perplexing characters in Wonderland is the Cheshire Cat. Practice your Evaporative Skills with silhouettes and masking.

Lesson 12
Your mask – don’t hide it, be proud
This lesson looks at Masking Fluid! What will your final Disappearing act be like?

Lesson 13
A mad tea party – guests with zest!
We create the Wonderland characters as paper dolls!

Lesson 14
Growing up & up & up
Alice has a lot of trouble with her size in Wonderland.Alice goes Grand Scale in a GIANT watercolour lesson. The main lesson here is “Trust The Mess”.

Lesson 15
Curiouser and Curiouser!
Now for your Final Alicesignment! Curiosity keeps your mind young and a sparkle in your eye and it can do some pretty wonderful things to your artwork too!
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Who is it for?
More advanced artists will enjoy my careful attention to detail which will help refine, improve and expand your techniques.
Who is it not suited for?
If you’re just getting started with your art and feel a bit fearful, you might want to start with one of our beginner workshops. Draw Happy for example is a great starting place for drawing simple faces before you go in-depth with this workshop.

Who is it for?
More advanced artists will enjoy my careful attention to detail which will help refine, improve and expand your techniques.
Who is it not suited for?
If you’re just getting started with your art and feel a bit fearful, you might want to start with one of our beginner workshops. Draw Happy for example is a great starting place for drawing simple faces before you go in-depth with this workshop.
How the Workshop is Delivered

I have created this class so you can take all the time you need and let the magic happen!
All sessions for the Self-guided study classes are up when you arrive. This means there’s no waiting for projects to be posted and you can take the course at whatever pace works for you.
You can revisit, rewatch, recharge and remind yourself of all the art supplies, all the drawing lessons, all the mixed media inspiration whenever you want.
You need never feel embarrassed about not ‘clicking’ with a new skill straightaway. It’s a terrible feeling when you feel left behind, or that you dont ‘get it’ and everyone else does in a learning situation! But you will NEVER feel that way in my classroom because you can pause and rewind, and ask questions.
Full instructions are on the site if this is your first online class experience. You are in safe hands!
What you Get

The classes are video based and typically between 7 and 20 minutes long each. Intense creative nuggets! I talk you through each of the art supplies, what they do and show you how to use them through a variety of drawing projects and exercises.

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What you’ll need for the workshop
A good internet service to watch the videos
These are some other things you would find useful:
- Pastel pencils: any brand will do
- Power Pastels: get it here!
- Inkredible Inks get it here!
- Aqua pastels: get it here!
- Magic Wand Colour pencils: get it here!
- White Paint pen: get it here!
- Matte skin tone acrylic paint: get it here!
- Finishing Line Pens: get it here!
Or get the Art Supply Bundle here!
I want you to use whatever colour art supplies you have!
But if you don’t have anything suitable, grab the following:
Watercolor Paper: full details are in the classroom
Watercolour Art Journal: full details are in the classroom
Book Binding items if you want to make your own journal:
Check out my Book Binding kit here.

“This is my fourth Jane Davenport Workshop and it’s definitely my fave so far I treated myself to some fancy Schmincke watercolors and I am having so much fun drawing these little Alices.”
Rebecca, UK

“I have learned more with Jane in a few lessons than I have from years of classical art classes… Thank you Jane!!!!!”
Valya, Greece

“As a beginner, this workshop transported me outside of my comfort zone and challenged me in many ways. Thanks for creating such fun, detailed and positive workshops Jane!! I may not have created any masterpieces but I will gladly admit that I’m proud of myself for experimenting and completing each assignment.”