Beginner Drawing
Quit saying “I can’t draw” forever and discover a gentle place to invite creativity back into your life.
Let me help you end to this self-limiting belief once and for all.
In Draw Happy I break things down into manageable, memorable steps to get you drawing simple faces right away. I’ll start you down the path to accessing your innate drawing style (yes, you do have one!)

Learn more about the workshop
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Everyone can draw!
Scribble a couple of lines on a page and there you go – you can draw!
Yet we judge ourselves so harshly when our drawing doesn’t measure up to what we imagine it should and feel trapped in creative self-gravity. Maybe you were told by a family member or teacher that you were no good at drawing. It’s heartbreaking to hear how many of my students experienced this.
Art seems to be one of the only areas where we expect to be an expert overnight. If you were going for a run for the first time, you don’t expect someone to pull over and say “you’re such a natural runner, we’d like you to join the Olympic team.” You’d have to work hard to achieve greatness. It exactly the same with artwork. It does have the word “work” in it for a reason. Nothing flourishes straight away without practice. What I want for you is joyful practice! That’s where you actually enjoy learning by making masterful marks and just as many mistakes. You’ll realise that it’s not even about the end artwork, it’s about how the creative journey makes you feel!
— Draw Happy Student Tigz

Ready to let go of your fear of drawing?

Did you know drawing is so good for you?
It lights up the whole brain because it engages imagination and problem-solving skills. It awakens memories and laser focuses hand-brain co-ordination. Don’t be surprised if it reawakens your whole life and makes you smarter!
“Jane’s art makes me forget I’m unwell, and also it’s a form of therapy. I’m a 36 year old drainage engineer and it’s never too late to pursue passions.”
— Draw Happy Student Paola
About the Mini Workshop
Thousands of delightful peeps have enjoyed believing they can draw again after taking the workshop!
Take Lillian for example, who believed she had absolutely no artist talent whatsoever for 20 years after disparaging comments from a teacher and then she discovered Draw Happy! We hear stories like hers regularly in the Draw Happy Facebook Group and LOVE to hear the AMAZING progress students make not only with their drawing skills but even more importantly, with their mindset.
Who is it for?
Who is it not suited for?

Lesson 1
start an art journal!
An art journal is a space for you to unwind be your authentic artistic self. It can be light and happy or deep and meaningful – and everything in between. It’s a creative place for you to run free!

Lesson 2
finding your ‘draw happy’ tools
A big part of the drawing experience is finding the art supply that makes you feel at ease and creative. No need for anything fancy, let’s start with what you have!

Lesson 3
if you can doodle, you can draw
Doodling, scribbling, scrawling… it’s all drawing and an ideal place to restart your art journey.

Lesson 4
draw happy faces
I have some shortcuts for you that will have you drawing simple, expressive faces in minutes

Lesson 5
putting it all together!
It’s all going to come together far more quickly and easily than you thought!e!
You’ll get instant access!

How the Workshop is Delivered

I have created this class so you can take all the time you need and let the magic happen!
All sessions for the Self-guided study classes are up when you arrive. This means there’s no waiting for projects to be posted and you can take the course at whatever pace works for you.
You can revisit, rewatch, recharge and remind yourself of all the art supplies, all the drawing lessons, all the mixed media inspiration whenever you want.
You need never feel embarrassed about not ‘clicking’ with a new skill straightaway. It’s a terrible feeling when you feel left behind, or that you dont ‘get it’ and everyone else does in a learning situation! But you will NEVER feel that way in my classroom because you can pause and rewind, and ask questions.
Full instructions are on the site if this is your first online class experience. You are in safe hands!
What you Get

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What you need for the workshop
- a sketchbook
- a pencil
- good internet speed to watch the videos on any device
- to be over 15 to get access to the Jane Davenport Art School
- a healthy ARTitude
Art Journal
Essentials Kit

Jamie, USA

For 20 years I believed that I had absolutely no artistic talent whatsoever.
In school we had an arts and crafts teacher who told me exactly this, and always put the lowest grades on my projects, even when I was quite pleased with them myself. This completely destroyed my confidence.
After my son was born I discovered scrapbooking, then card making, and how much fun it is to put lovely colours onto paper. Recently I came across Jane Davenport’s brilliant classes, with recipes for how to draw faces and people, and what do you know; I can draw! I’m enjoying this class so much, thank you, Jane!
Lillian, Norway

I work in a restricted space, which was my excuse to not produce anything creative. Well that was a pile of poo, it was my attitude holding me back. I am diving in and having a ball, my energy is increasing and I feel more at peace with the world. I have always been creative but I have let being a perfectionist hold me back, reinforced by my teachers and my artist dad. Jane Davenport’s words have spoken to me and I finally believe I can draw and create, after all, I will be sharing in a safe space.
Thank you so much Jane Davenport for setting me free (I will try my best not to put myself down either on here or in my head, really goes against the grain though)!