Travel journaling for
escape artists

Travel opens us up to so much visual inspiration!
Why not capitalize in that and create art magic as you go along on your wild adventure!
You’ll learn how to create a travel journal which will hold precious memories that will last a lifetime and be treasured forever!
Whether you are traveling across the room or around the world, documenting your journey allows you to bring your creativity with you. Transit time becomes precious. Senses heighten. You notice more.
This class marries together your external world that you’re exploring and your internal world – the imagination your travels trigger.
Come on a journey across the world and create with me!
Buckle your seat belt, check your tray table and seat are in the upright position and take off on a little adventure with me.

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Become an Escape Artist!
I have my own way of documenting and remembering my journeys that combines my travel sketches, drawings from my imagination, mixed media painting, collage and photos.
Gain access to the teachings in my sell out ‘Escape Artist Retreats’, now in an online course!
I’ve been teaching travel journaling classes in my sold-out ‘Escape Artist Retreats’ that I’ve held all around the world for the past 5 years. We’ve been to Paris, London, Mexico City, Bali and Byron Bay. Now I bring the class to you, so you don’t even have to leave the comfort of your own home if you don’t want to!
Creating your own ‘Journal de Voyage’ can extend your journey, and turn it from a normal trip into a creative and confidence building experience.

Lesson 1
Planning and packing are important parts of your journey. Take your time with them and let the excitement build as you create your Art Journal and decide on your art kit. I will show you three different types of journal I create in and how to prepare them as well as my own travel kits.

Lesson 2
Bon Voyage
Creating on the way! Some of my most productive time is spent in transit… let me share the secrets of being a ‘Cloud Creative’ with you!

Lesson 3
Skyline Sketchercising
Building up the confidence to ‘Travel Sketch’ and draw in public. It’s so freeing! You’ll practice cafe sketchercising, scribble sketchercising, statue sketchercising, skeleton sketchercising and colour notes sketchercising.

Lesson 4
Skeletons & Statues Sketchercising
Be inspired by the sites around you — from art gallerys to natural history museums!

Lesson 5
I adore collecting things that I can include in my journals. In this lesson I will show you lots of ideas on how to add outside influences and photographs to your work.

Lesson 6
Guest Lesson with Courtney Diaz ‘Memory Monsters’
Courtney has a wonderful take on adding photographs to her journals, and created this for you!

Lesson 7
Light Landscapes
It’s very easy to pick up your camera or phone and take a picture to remember a beautiful landscape, but taking up some art supplies and capturing it will really help it sink into your being! The question is, how to travel light and capture something quickly!

Lesson 8
Going where you are drawn
Combining what you see and what you feel together in expressive pages!

Lesson 9
Apres Voyage
Extending your journey at home by adding sewn and drawn elements!
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Come on a journey across the world and create with me!
You’ll feel inspired by witnessing me creating art during some of my fabulous art trips including…

Who is it for?
While I classify this as an intermediate level workshop, it is just as suitable for beginners as my loyal Davenpeeps (an affection term of respect for people that love doing all my workshops!).
Who is it not suited for?
If you’re just getting started with your art and are struggling with your creative confidence, you may want to start with my mini-workshop Draw Happy as a gentle way back into your art making again.
How the Workshop is Delivered

I have created this class so you can take all the time you need and let the magic happen!
All sessions for the Self-guided study classes are up when you arrive. This means there’s no waiting for projects to be posted and you can take the course at whatever pace works for you.
You can revisit, rewatch, recharge and remind yourself of all the art supplies, all the drawing lessons, all the mixed media inspiration whenever you want.
You need never feel embarrassed about not ‘clicking’ with a new skill straightaway. It’s a terrible feeling when you feel left behind, or that you dont ‘get it’ and everyone else does in a learning situation! But you will NEVER feel that way in my classroom because you can pause and rewind, and ask questions.
Full instructions are on the site if this is your first online class experience. You are in safe hands!
What you Get

The classes are video based and typically between 7 and 20 minutes long each. Intense creative nuggets! I talk you through each of the art supplies, what they do and show you how to use them through a variety of drawing projects and exercises.

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What you’ll need for the workshop
Let me just emphasise that you don’t need all the art supplies in the universe to complete your assignments! You can use whatever art tools you have. You will learn new ways of using what you do have, and be able to pinpoint what you may like to add to your creative life in the future without expensive trial and error.
- This can be a journal you make yourself. (I’ll show you how)
- from an old book (I will show you how)
- or a ready-to-go journal (like this one)
This kit would be great for this workshop
Art Journal Essentials Kit
If you want to make your own journal:
- Watercolor paper Hot Press 150 gsm
- Book Binding supplies: waxed thread, awl, needle, bone folder
- Journal Covers
Watercolours: any brand is fine, but these are the best!
Art Essentials Petite Palette in Brights
Peerless Watercolors
ARt Time Travel Watercolours
Small travel paintbrush
Story Time Paint Pens
Matte Medium
Colored Pencils: Magic Wands
Waterproof Finishing Line Pens
INKredible Pen

“Just got to Ireland, and I am so glad I signed up for this workshop!! I have already used so many of the tips from it, and I am completely smitten with this journal that Jane helped us make.
Thank you Jane for the confidence to sketch in public where people can see. It feels so good to get lost in a drawing and not feel self-conscious when people stop to watch. They’ve all had such lovely things to say. ”
Rande, USA

“I just finished Journal de Voyage and am loving these Artventure prompts! I’m practicing these before my trips so hopefully I’m better by then! I know nothing of Portofino, so this was lovely to learn about.”
Barbi, USA

“Travelled all the way to my kitchen bench. Loving this workshop Jane! Even though I never travel anywhere everyday is a journey for me. I see beauty in everything.”
Audrina, Australia
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Journal de Voyage