Explore Jane’s video library of free resources to support your art journey!

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JDHQ Exclusives Videos
Jane believes art supplies can be as beautiful and meaningful as the art you want to create with them. They should call to you to pick them up and play!
Jane Davenport Artomology Videos
Stamps, stencils and Dies to kick start the art, and a plethora of colourful pens and paints to add a pop of color, subtle dimension or soft sophistication to your creative projects!
Some favourites!
To have an effective mixed media art supply, it must play well with others, which does not come as standard from other brands. You’ll love that each Jane Davenport supply is not just pretty on the outside, but a powerhouse on the inside that works beautifully with all of our supplies.
Jane Davenport Making Faces
Jane designed a beautiful array of makeup inspired art supplies that will empower you. Art making should always be this enjoyable!

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