A whirlwind mixed
media adventure

Skip along your creative path like it’s the Yellow Brick Road!
This GRAND ARTventure is based on the rich story and archetype characters from the Wizard of Oz.
I hope you will dive into the creative tornado with wicked witches and the occasional flying house to land in Mixed-Media-Munchkin Land! With we will be working on creating beautiful faces and figures in a non-stop whimsical adventure somewhere over the rainbow.
Dorothy, the Scarecrow and a plethora of flying Monkeys await!
‘Over the rainbow’ is a mixed media workshop, including watercolor, acrylic paint, pencils, pastels and everything else you have!

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Join the happy little bluebirds over the rainbow.
I want you to be endlessly inspired to create your own expressive, meaningful art!
- If this is your first workshop with me – Welcome! I endeavor to make this workshop as inclusive as possible and welcoming for new artists as well as the more experienced!
- If you are a Davenpeep (a term of endearment for someone who loves doing my workshops!), then this workshop builds on beautifully from my skill-based workshops (Supplies me,Beautiful Faces and I Heart Drawing). We will be building on from lessons learned in all my other workshops so you can continue to add complexity and movement to your original artwork.
- We will be diving into a whirlpool of new watercolor techniques as well as pencil, ink, acrylic and pastels.
- We will be creating faces and figures – all step by step of course – from our imaginations, but inspired by Oz!


Lesson 1
Meeting Dorothy in Black & White
Dorothy can take many forms. Lets use our simple black and white materials and sketch her out a little more.

Lesson 2
A Creative Landing!
This lesson we are going to look at Dorothy’s dramatic arrival in Oz as I show you some ways to create perspective in a scene.

Lesson 3
Dorothy in Shadows and Light
In the 4 videos I go over the basics of drawing a whimsical face and adding Light and Shadow in watercolour.

Lesson 4
Toto the Sidekick
Toto is Dorothy’s trusty little sidekick! This is how I created my version of Toto ( who looks a lot like Tinsel, my smallest Pomeranian!)

Lesson 5
The Scarecrow
Creating the Characters from Dorothy’s adventure are A LOT of fun. The Scarecrow can grow from just on gestural line!

Lesson 6
The Tin Man
I always found the Tinman rather fascinating. He was so kind and gently spoken, but felt the pain of his missing heart! Drawing him is just as fascinating.

Lesson 7
Opposites Attract
In this lesson we mix the free and the fixed with the Sacrecrow and the Tin Man together.

Lesson 8
Finest of Friends
Here we draw all of our favourite Wizard of Oz characters together! Dorothy, The Scarecrow, The Tin man and The Cowardly Lion.

Lesson 9
The Cowardly Lion
Ready to show some creative courage? Will you create a Dandy Lion, or a more realistic lion?

Lesson 7
Field of Poppies
Create your interpretation of the field of poppies scene from the movie!

Lesson 8
Emerald City
How do we find interesting and new ways to portray something that is quite iconic? We sketchercise! How will you portray the Emerald City?

Lesson 9
Release The Flying Monkeys!
Ready to practice drawing the flying monkeys? Here we go!

Lesson 7
The Wicked Witch
Let’s create one of the most powerful women in Oz — The Wicked Witch of the West!

Lesson 8
Glinda the Good
Let’s draw Glinda as a pre-raphaelite goddess!

Lesson 9
The Ruby Slippers
You had the Power all along!
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Who is it for?
This is an advanced level workshop that builds upon some of my other workshops including: Supplies Me, Beautiful Faces and I Heart Drawing. So if you have completed past workshops with me or feel comfortable drawing faces and figures, this is the right fit for you.
Who is it not suited for?
If you don’t feel confident with drawing faces and figures yet, you may want to start with Supplies Me, Beautiful Faces or I Heart Drawing before moving onto this workshop.

Who is it for?
This is an advanced level workshop that builds upon some of my other workshops including: Supplies Me, Beautiful Faces and I Heart Drawing. So if you have completed past workshops with me or feel comfortable drawing faces and figures, this is the right fit for you.
Who is it not suited for?
If you don’t feel confident with drawing faces and figures yet, you may want to start with Supplies Me, Beautiful Faces or I Heart Drawing before moving onto this workshop.
How the Workshop is Delivered

I have created this class so you can take all the time you need and let the magic happen!
All sessions for the Self-guided study classes are up when you arrive. This means there’s no waiting for projects to be posted and you can take the course at whatever pace works for you.
You can revisit, rewatch, recharge and remind yourself of all the art supplies, all the drawing lessons, all the mixed media inspiration whenever you want.
You need never feel embarrassed about not ‘clicking’ with a new skill straightaway. It’s a terrible feeling when you feel left behind, or that you dont ‘get it’ and everyone else does in a learning situation! But you will NEVER feel that way in my classroom because you can pause and rewind, and ask questions.
Full instructions are on the site if this is your first online class experience. You are in safe hands!
What you Get

The classes are video based and typically between 7 and 20 minutes long each. Intense creative nuggets! I talk you through each of the art supplies, what they do and show you how to use them through a variety of drawing projects and exercises.

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What you’ll need for the workshop
I want you to use whatever colour art supplies you have!
If you do want to get some supplies to make your experience extra yummy, here is what I recommend:
- Charcoal
- Black gesso
- Liquitex Gesso: get it here
- Liquitex Matte Medium: get it here
- Magic Wand Colour pencils: get it here
- White Paint Pen: get it here
- Matte Skin Tone Acrylic Paint: get it here
- Finishing Line Pen: get it here
I want you to use whatever colour art supplies you have!
But if you don’t have anything suitable, grab the following:
Watercolor Paper: full details are in the classroom
Watercolour Art Journal: get it here

“I enjoy this workshop so much!! Love love love the playful approach to drawing. I’ve also wished to learn how to draw people in perspective for a while, and here it was! You have it all cowered Jane Davenport Best teacher ever!”
Camilla, Norway

“The truth is, where would we be without Jane’s inborn creativity and talent? All projects a joy to tackle as we all hope to mimic her impeccable, perfect artistic style. A huge inspiration. Thank you Jane.”
Valya, Greece

“Just started this workshop and am absolutely THRILLED with the material! I couldn’t find any charcoal for the first exercises, but I did discover some water-soluble graphite and am loving it! Thank you for kicking me to find and use the many materials I have, Jane! And thank you for teaching us so much!”