Drawing on your

Quit saying “I can’t draw” forever and discover a gentle place to invite creativity back into your life.
Do you find that your faces always have the same expression? Would like you like to broaden your skillset and be able to capture how you are feeling or what you want to convey more accurately?
The subtlest of differences can make such a monumental difference in the expression of your drawing. Drawing is theatre! This workshop will change the way you look at the emotions of those around you! We break emotions down to their barest essentials before building in all the rich details.

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Lesson 1
Getting started
Preparing your Express yourself journal and creating a helpful ‘Emotion Map’!

Lesson 2
Expressions gallery
Building on The Emotion Map from lesson one we start to flesh out detail in quick sketches.

Lesson 3
Pouts & puckers.
Doodling, scribbling, scrawling… it’s all drawing and an ideal place to restart your art journey.

Lesson 4
Expressive and realistic eyes
A lesson involving socks and a lemon that will have you looking at eyes in a whole new way

Lesson 5
Growing up
Take a face from childhood into adulthood

Lesson 6
Tilted down faces
Downturned faces can evoke gentle feelings of shyness or being coy, wistful, dreamy or sleepy.

Lesson 7
Subtle changes
The power of eyebrows!

Lesson 8
Chin up
Determined, haughty, arrogant and beautiful upturned faces.

Lesson 9
Everyone loves a happy ending!.
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We’ll cover the whole range of emotions
So you can express yourself the way you wish you could!
Human emotion is a splendid thing.
There are so many subtle nuances to the way we feel.
Even hiding emotion has a certain look!
Capturing these expressions involves distilling the raw essentials into concentrated gestures. As artists, this is what we do! We are brilliant at it.
We’ll explore expressions like:
- Laughter
- Overwhelm/stress/fear
- Neutrality
- Surprise
- Jealous/Mean Girl
- Aloof
- Shy
- Content
- Flirty
- Overjoyed
- Coy

Who is it for?
This is an intermediate level class designed for people who are already comfortable drawing a simple face, but want to broaden the amount of expressions they can produce.
Who is it not suited for?
If you’re just getting started with your art my mini-workshop Draw Happy is a great starting place for drawing very simple faces. If you want to learn the in-depth fundamentals of drawing faces Beautiful Faces is the best place to start and is less complex than this workshop.

Who is it for?
This is an intermediate level class designed for people who are already comfortable drawing a simple face, but want to broaden the amount of expressions they can produce.
Who is it not suited for?
If you’re just getting started with your art my mini-workshop Draw Happy is a great starting place for drawing very simple faces. If you want to learn the in-depth fundamentals of drawing faces Beautiful Faces is the best place to start and is less complex than this workshop.
How the Workshop is Delivered

I have created this class so you can take all the time you need and let the magic happen!
All sessions for the Self-guided study classes are up when you arrive. This means there’s no waiting for projects to be posted and you can take the course at whatever pace works for you.
You can revisit, rewatch, recharge and remind yourself of all the art supplies, all the drawing lessons, all the mixed media inspiration whenever you want.
You need never feel embarrassed about not ‘clicking’ with a new skill straightaway. It’s a terrible feeling when you feel left behind, or that you dont ‘get it’ and everyone else does in a learning situation! But you will NEVER feel that way in my classroom because you can pause and rewind, and ask questions.
Full instructions are on the site if this is your first online class experience. You are in safe hands!
What you Get

The classes are video based and typically between 7 and 20 minutes long each. Intense creative nuggets! I talk you through each of the art supplies, what they do and show you how to use them through a variety of drawing projects and exercises.

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What you’ll need for the workshop
The important thing to realise is that you do not NEED everything I use. I am a degenerate art supplies junkie, and have just about everything in the artiverse. (Always keep in mind, it’s the artist, not the tools, that are creative. Having said that, we will never be cruel and hold you back from getting art supplies!).
I have created a supplies set especially for this workshop which includes:
- Storytime Paint Pens- Snow Queen Set
- Making Faces Matchmaker Set
- Magic Wand Color Pencils
- Liquitex Gesso & Mediums

“I had troubles with the expression of the eyes in this picture. Then I remembered that Jane Davenport Artist mentioned to put the pupils a bit out of center to avoid an ’embarrassed’ look. Now this was exactly what I wanted (not so much embarrassed, but astonished and wondering), so for once I centered the pupils, and it worked! Don’t know what I would be doing without Jane – I owe her everything.”
Susanne, USA

“The Express yourself workshop is one awesome workshop for JD. I feel like a breakthrough in my painting and art work.. The ”tilted down expression“ is one of my favorite lesson so far…
Thank you JD for everything you have done ; love you to the moon and back“
Enas, USA

“Holy cow!! So excited that one of my pieces created for this class is going to be published in a zine!!!! Thanks SO much Jane Davenport for all you do, this wouldn’t have happened without your amazing teaching!”