Preparing your
art for printing
Your artwork deserves to be shared!
Have you dreamed of getting your artwork out of the journal and off the canvas and out into the world on walls, in hands and into hearts?
Maybe you dreamed of…

Creating high-quality prints of your work

Turning your art into beautiful products you can sell
(So much fun!)

Get your work published in art books, magazines, or the media.

Creating a portfolio website/social media page to share your work.
But maybe you’ve been worried that learning this type of thing would be:
Too technologically advanced

Too Boring. Yawn!

Too Scary

Never fear! As with all my workshops, I make it fun, memorable and simple! I’m only going to show you the skills you really need to get your gorgeous art into your computer and out to the rest of the world. As you see your print singing the same way your original does it will build your confidence to new heights!
so you feel so proud of what you’ve created.
It’s easily do-able and in Print & Scan I show you how!

Learn more about the workshop
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This is a professional development workshop to help you own the title of ARTIST!
In Print & Scan I share my secrets for:
- Creating the very best quality with the equipment you have.
- What it takes to create true Fine Art Digital prints.
- Selecting your best Artwork.
- Getting great photographs and scans of your work
- Tidying up, manipulating and altering your artwork to make it even stronger.
- Choosing the right paper, ink and printing method for your art.
- Taming the whole work flow of image capture and printing.
- Creating quality work for Portfolios and Exhibitions.
- Preparing work for publication with magazines and books
- Creating amazing prints for gifts and for your Etsy store.
- Preparing your work for outsource printing eg: Society 6/Red Bubble
- Best-practice standards to pursue your Artistic dreams.

Let’s focus on preparing your artwork so it captures all the time, effort and joy that you have lovingly poured into it! You’ll learn to harness your computer as another art supply, because you know we can never have tooo many art supplies!

Lesson 1
Hello photoshop

Lesson 2
Professional quality prints start with fabulous scans and the settings you need to get great results My methods for scanning larger scaled work, Journals and other challenging surfaces

Lesson 3
Scan challenges
Dealing with textures, gutters and many other scanning tricks

Lesson 4

Lesson 5
Preparing files for Society 6, Red Bubble and the like! AND MUCH, MUCH MORE!

Lesson 6

Lesson 7
Preparing and Sending your precious work out into the world. Digital ‘packaging’ , Watermarks and Copyright. Print handling and Storage, and packaging.

Lesson 8
Printing services
Imagine being able to place your beautiful artwork on to homewares, stationery and bags. There are a lot of benefits of going with an already-existing third-party sales platform like Redbubble and Society6. Learn why.
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Who is it for?
I have created the workshop I wished I had access to when I was working all of these skills out for myself! What took me years of trial and error I am so happy to share with you.
This class is perfect if you have some computer skills, and basic knowledge of PhotoShop (i.e. are not scared of it!).
If you are ready to scan your journals and photograph your paintings for reproduction to share with the world via your blog, magazines submissions, gifts, licensing, Etsy, Society 6 or your own store
Who is it not suited for?
This workshop does not address basic computer skills.
I do cover each process within PhotoShop step by step, but it may be too much for a complete computer ‘newbie’. I recommend that you attend a basic computer class at your nearest Adult/Continued learning facility.
We cover Packaging your prints in this workshop, but not selling or marketing your work. That will be the focus of a future workshop. But you are welcome to discuss strategies and ideas with the Print & Scan community.
How the Workshop is Delivered

I have created this class so you can take all the time you need and let the magic happen!
All sessions for the Self-guided study classes are up when you arrive. This means there’s no waiting for projects to be posted and you can take the course at whatever pace works for you.
You can revisit, rewatch, recharge and remind yourself of all the art supplies, all the drawing lessons, all the mixed media inspiration whenever you want.
You need never feel embarrassed about not ‘clicking’ with a new skill straightaway. It’s a terrible feeling when you feel left behind, or that you dont ‘get it’ and everyone else does in a learning situation! But you will NEVER feel that way in my classroom because you can pause and rewind, and ask questions.
Full instructions are on the site if this is your first online class experience. You are in safe hands!
What you Get

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What you need for the workshop
To capture and reproduce your work, you will need a scanner, camera, computer, Imaging software and printer.
You are invited to participate in the class and then decide on purchasing decisions based on what you discover in the class. You don’t need the same equipment as me!
I have listed my current equipment here, so if you are planning an upgrade or purchase, this may guide you. The images will take you to review pages on Amazon.

Ink for your printer: I suggest Genuine ink for your printer for best results.

Quality paper: We will go through the options in the class, but you will need some good quality paper for your test prints.

A scanner: I use an Epson V300 Photo for ultimate quality scanning, and EPSON WF-7620 for A3 size scanning,

A camera: I will be demonstrating on a Canon 5D mark II and iPhone.

Digital Editing software: I will be demonstrating on Photoshop CS6 and CC ( Creative Cloud).

A computer capable of running an imaging program: I use an iMac.

Then I found this course and I felt so relieved that the magic process can be explained and – hopefully – it doesn’t have to be too difficult. Thank you Jane Davenport for bringing this class into existence.”
Divyam, UK

Liz, South Africa

Judith, Australia
Student Gallery

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