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Mandala Mega Value Stencil Sets! | create instant background fanciness!

From USD $18.85

Beautiful designs
Bundle offer!
Handy size!
Use with all media

Each Mandala Stencil set has sixteen fantastic designs that are wonderful for backgrounds. The designs have a host of international influence and inspiration to them!

What Jane says

You see me using these stencils over and over again when I create in my live videos! They are a handy size for storage right on my desktop and easy to use with tonnes of variety!

Stencils are fabulous to ‘audition’ ideas before you apply them, and kick-start your art! My two favourite way of using stencils is misting INKredible inks through them for expressive, colourful backgrounds or pouncing LayerCake paint through the design with a Blend-In Sponge for a more accurate application.


You can also trace the design onto your page with pencil and pens!



What you might like to know

The stencils are all 6 x 6 inch.

There are no repeats in the sets!

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

Mandala Set 1, Mandala Set 2, Mandala Set 3, all three sets- 48 stencils!

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