I’m curious to know what your favourite colour is and why and I have a giveaway to encourage you to share!
Mine is pretty easy to guess! I like to call ‘my’ particular shade of aquamarine/ turquoise ‘Bali Blue’.
It reminds me of tropical ocean on white sand… I find it refreshing, relaxing and uplifting.
This is my Daybed strewn with all shades of blue, but an emphasis on the aqua.
 This is me strewn on the daybed!
But its everywhere in my studio, from the washi forest (which continues to grow):
to my magical throne and bookcase made from old window shutters
It’s even in the water!
And on me. I fell in love with this necklace at the Bangalow Markets. I love being able to chat with the person who made the things I cherish.
In my hands:
Under my feet:
I use it in my artwork of course, and in my websites. It’s a major feature on my book cover. So back to the Give-away!
Leave me a message on what your fave colour is and why.
That will put you in the running for a signed copy of my book and a seat in the Mutual Admiration Society with Donna Downey and I. We are big believers in utilising your favourite colours while you are creating your art!
You see us in action and hear us discussing why in our collaboration in the Mutual Admiration Society ( the logo for which I designed with my fave colour – naturally!)
If you are already a member of the MAS or have my book, leave a comment anyway and if your name is drawn, I’ll come up with a little lovely arty something for you! In my favourite colour… lol!
Jane/ Danger