I had to share this with you, my first Guest Book!
I work with Ozcorp Card and Stationery Co in Australia for my stationery range. I have cards, journals, writing pads, diaries, address books, calendars and even sticky notes featuring my artwork with them! You can see some of the range on my shop website : here and here. I love it when I am at a meeting or new friend’s house, and I see one of my creations in use. I get very excited when I walk into a nice store or papershop and see a display of my stationery, where I am known to do a little girl jig, and then rearrange and tidy everything!
The image on the guestbook is called Tropic Love. I created it in a Plumeria grove in Hawaii. When I look at it I can still feel the bliss of that day…the thrill of discovering such a beautiful place…warm tropical sunshine on my back… the heady, delicious fragrance from thousands of flowers…and plenty of time to relax into making photos…what a dreamy day it was…