I have had the same hair style for like 3oo years. Long blonde, straight hair. I did have a bob when I was about 9. HATED it… my hair just stuck out like a lampshade…no goldilocks spiral curls magically appeared… not even a cute little wave… ugh.
I think I was inspired to always have long, long hair by Jerry Hall in the ‘Let’s stick Together’ video…
( Jerry appears as tiger woman around 1.58 –Â still so impossibly cool!)
So yesterday I did something DRASTIC, well by by my standards. I had a hot pink flash put in. LOVE-ing it…. i twirl it between my fingers and it like its a pet. My 5 year old niece will LOVE it – I see her next week – she is going to flip!!! But I’ll hide it when I see my Dad… I remember wearing lipstick to go out for the first time when I was about 17 ( a brand new YSL Fuschia I saved up for!). He looked at me and just started yelling out for my mother. It was alarming! I can only imagine what he would say to this bit of fun!
 I asked my hairdresser ,the delightful Sarah, if she would dye all my hair pink, and she flat-out refused. These fun colours are very hard to get out of blonde hair… so the compromise was to start small. And I think Ill stick with this… it’s just enough crazy for me! Its Magenta Red now, but it will fade to a soft pink over time.
Why the Magenta Red flash? My first Art product has been released – and this is my way of celebrating!
Can I just repeat that….
my very own paint set….
Hello?! and did i mention its Peerless – only the very best watercolour in the whole artiverse. I think I am going to have to go and cry for a bit….but that will make the paint run… so I will just do a raucous happy dance instead!
Its exclusive to my website… so click any of these images and you can check it out in every minute detail.
My Artomology Peerless set will give you a rainbow in your pocket.
This is the Artomology Peerless Pallette that i created for my trip to Paris earlier this year.
It was a PERFECT travel companion! Bright, tidy, colourful and cute!
Team it with an Aquash brush and you are ready for any sketching emergency!
This is a little vid showing how to make your own Artomology Peerless Pallette.
(by the way , my YouTube channel hit over 41,000 views yesterday! Holy Smoke!)