Mixed Media
Portrait Techniques

If you’ve ever struggled to get the proportions right on a face – hello asymmetrical eyes or struggle with shading and colouring in after you’ve drawn your outline, this workshop is for you!
These days I can draw a face fast and accurately, but it wasn’t always like that! Many of the techniques I show you are the result of years of experience and experimentation. But I know you don’t want to spend hours and hours of drawing not so beautiful faces to master these elements — you want to get to the fun stuff much quicker!
I know where the danger areas are that make a face look wonky. I’ll help you avoid the common mistakes and set sail to your creative practice. You’ll learn the foundations of drawing a face, creating smooth skin tones, my proprietary FACE MATH™ method to get your proportions just right and so much more!

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We dive deep into the book and then journey even further!
These are the main topics in each Lesson Art Materials, organisation and Warmup Sketchercise™!

Lesson 1
Starting Small
One of the frustrations I hear in later classes is that “small faces are so difficult to draw.” No they aren’t. Just keep them simple, Draw Happy style, and you will be fine

Lesson 2
Longitude & Latitude
I like to think of the head as not just a sphere, but as a globe. Globes have all those wonderful longitude and latitude lines that you can utilise them to help you navigate turned faces.

Lesson 3
Guide Lines
Let’s start with a little FACE MATH™ to give us a foundation to start from. On this Face Map you can see where I have started to add my Guide Lines and place the features.

Lesson 4
The Lips
Learn the secrets to drawing lips with ease. Practice makes perfect!

Lesson 5
Grand Scale
As you scale up, the shape and placement of features start to matter. Ready to draw a face at grand scale?

Lesson 6
The Eyes
Now we’ll learn the short-cuts to drawing eyes. Eyes are so expressive. As human beings we are hard-wired to be able to read the tiniest of cues with someone’s eyes.

Lesson 7
The Nose
This is the exercise that will have you never looking at the utensils in a Chinese restaurant the same way again!

Lesson 8
Shading Maps
How to add volume, depth and a hint of realism!

Lesson 9
Easy Shading
We are going to explore shading the face on an acrylic paint base. The effect is gorgeous… you’ll see…

Lesson 10
Grand Scale Shading
Thin, transparent layers add a glassy depth to your faces. Learn how!

Lesson 11
Hair (yes, finally a whole lesson on hair!)
I have some handy techniques for my trademark flowing hair.

Lesson 12
Twists and Turns
I love drawing plaited and twisted hair. As a graphic element they add visual texture and interest. As an emotive element they have a nostalgic air for me,

Lesson 13
Approach your hair design with confidence! Remember that your drawings can be theatrical – you don’t need to apply the laws of physics here.

Lesson 14
Let’s mix it up with watercolour, acrylics and ink and use each to our advantage.

Lesson 15
Drenched Colour
In this freeing creative session you’ll learn how watercolor never behaves exactly as expected, and that’s what makes it so endearing.

Lesson 16
Collage and Wild Colour
Collage is a liberating way to start a face! Art born from bits and pieces of your life have an extra richness of meaning.

Lesson 17
Prints Charming
Let’s start with a cacophony of colour and activity by using ephemera to quickly build a complicated background.

Lesson 18
Turned Faces and Adding Movement
Learn to ‘capture’ your subject as if they are on their way somewhere!

Lesson 19
Creating Movement
Learn to ‘capture’ your subject as if they are on their way somewhere!

Lesson 20
Smooth vs Painterly!
Creating Burnished porcelain smooth skin and painterly portraits.

Lesson 21
Blending, shading, turning & flowing! It’s time to combine everything in the entire Beautiful Faces Workshop.
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We’ll cover how to draw and fill in the whole face!

Who is it for?
More advanced artists will enjoy my careful attention to detail, which will help refine, improve and expand your techniques.
Who is it not suited for?
How the Workshop is Delivered

I have created this class so you can take all the time you need and let the magic happen!
All sessions for the Self-guided study classes are up when you arrive. This means there’s no waiting for projects to be posted and you can take the course at whatever pace works for you.
You can revisit, rewatch, recharge and remind yourself of all the art supplies, all the drawing lessons, all the mixed media inspiration whenever you want.
You need never feel embarrassed about not ‘clicking’ with a new skill straightaway. It’s a terrible feeling when you feel left behind, or that you dont ‘get it’ and everyone else does in a learning situation! But you will NEVER feel that way in my classroom because you can pause and rewind, and ask questions.
Full instructions are on the site if this is your first online class experience. You are in safe hands!
What you Get

The classes are video based and typically between 7 and 20 minutes long each. Intense creative nuggets! I talk you through each of the art supplies, what they do and show you how to use them through a variety of drawing projects and exercises.

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What you’ll need for the workshop
The important thing to realise is that you do not NEED everything I use. I am a degenerate art supplies junkie, and have just about everything in the artiverse. (Always keep in mind, it’s the artist, not the tools, that are creative. Having said that, we will never be cruel and hold you back from getting art supplies!)”
A copy of ‘Beautiful Faces’
A fast computer & high-speed internet service to process & watch the videos will be vital as well as enough technical know-how to navigate the site.
Bring a healthy ARTitude!
My Beautiful Faces Kit is a fantastic one for this workshop. It contains all of the items shown above, including a signed copy of the Beautiful Faces book.
My Art Journal Essentials Kit is also a fantastic collection of supplies for this workshop and beyond. It includes all of the items shown above.
You may also want to get Liquitex Fluid Matte Medium.

“I haven’t painted in soo long! Life just got hectic. I’m soo glad I took the time tonight to work on this. I feel that my art supply obsession is reignited!
Ronelia, South Africa

“I am amazed at how different my faces are turning out each day. Each day I finish with total amazement at how good it is, then see yesterday’s next to it and wonder why I thought it was so amazing when I have done so much better this time. I can’t wait to see what it ends up looking like after 100 days.”
Trina, Australia

“I have learnt so many new techniques in this lesson-thank you so much Jane Davenport for this amazing, in-depth lesson on turned faces! When I first flicked through Janes book and looked at the different hair styles she shows us inside, I was absolutely entranced by her drawing with the hair blowing in the wind. I would have never thought that I will be able to achieve something like that!”