Mythical Mixed Media

This thoughtfully designed course has been created to support brand new creatives and professional artists (and everyone else in-between!) as you move through fear, embrace intuition and open up to a new world of creative supplies.

Learn more about the workshop
The Workshop commences on April 20th.
The Private Facebook Group will open April 15th.
We will keep to a 6 week schedule for livestream interactions
and then you will then have Lifetime access to revisit the lessons whenever you want!

There are six major Chapters in the workshop and each one contains multiple lessons.
Each Chapter has a different theme that guides the teachable moments
and an art supply focus that is explored in depth.
Let’s look at some of the Chapters!
The Immortals
The Ancient Greeks believed in a huge array of gods, monsters and dieties that provide us with a cornucoppia of inspirations and elements to draw from.
Each of these interconnected lessons delves into using reference images in different ways so that you can feel confident in elevating your drawing skills to Mt Olympus and back!

Lesson 1
Inky Immortals
There is a vast array of art inspired by the Immortals of ancient Greece and Rome. In this lesson we use these representations as references to create some ink studies. Just as the their stories are interwoven and tangled, so too we will let our drawings inter-connect. We use the properties of water-reactive inks to add shading and interest.

Lesson 2
The Apple of Discord
In this lesson we continue on our journey using beautiful references in different ways. In the last lesson we let our subjects mingle with each other on the page. In this lesson we will let them connect via paper choice, but they remain as separate drawings (which is a good idea, because as you will discover, these three powerful goddesses can cause a lot of drama when too close to one another!).

Lesson 3
Rainbow Goddess
Iris, the daughter of a cloud nymph and marine god, was Hera’s favourite messenger. As she flew from Mount Olympus on immortal business she moved so fast, only an impression of her colourful cloak was seen across the skies. She became known as the goddess of rainbows.
In this lesson I’ll show you how to combine photographic references to create an all-new subject.
Pandora’s Jar of Blessings
Once upon a time, the first human woman was created and each Olympian god gave her a gift: Athena gave her wisdom, Aphrodite her beauty and so on. Pandora (meaning “all gifts” in Greek) was given a jar by Zeus that containing all the ills of mankind, but he didn’t warn her what was in there. Eventually, she opened it ( I mean, wouldn’t you open a wedding gift from the king of gods?). Let’s re-imagine this myth to celebrate Pandora’s curiosity and fill her jar with blessings intead of ills! Much nicer.

Lesson 1
The Jar
An amphora is a two-handled storage jar that held oil, wine, milk, or grain. The name derives from the Greek amphi-phoreus meaning “carried on both sides”. In our re-imagining of Pandora ‘s story, we will need more than one vessel to hold all of our blessings!

Lesson 2
The Silhouettes

Lesson 3
Create Your Blessings
In this lesson we create beautiful watercolour hearts that allow space to count our blessings! We hold our gratitude in a pocket Amphora.
The Sisters
Ancient Greek storytellers were obsessed with the notion of sisters and the strong connection that women share.Those stories of Sisterhood are the focus of this chapter.
Drawing several subjects together takes a little more planning, but is worth facing the challenge! As soon as you have more than one subject on your page, you have a story, and a story enlivens your artmaking process.

Lesson 1
The Fates
Dawn, Day and Dusk can teach us about drawing different ages of womanhood.Time may not feel like it is very kind to our faces at times, but there is beauty in having lived a full life of joys and sorrows! We explore the posture of the ages in some simple drawings and then take the same face from young to old.

Lesson 2
The Trojan Wars
The story of the Trojan War on the surface is an epic story of brutal and brave men. In this lesson, we look to the women who were just as much part of the conflict and its devastating aftermath. We will connect our subjects with watercolour rather than familial and spilled blood that joined them in the Trojan war myths with special consideration to the colours we choose.

Lesson 3
Seven Sisters
The Heroes
Supply Focus: Mixed Media

Lesson 1
Pegasus was a regular in the Heroes’ stories. According to early myths, everywhere the winged horse struck his hoof to the earth, an inspiring water spring would burst forth. With our Pegasus, collage appears wherever he goes.

Lesson 2
The Golden Fleece
Man’s love of gold knows no bounds, and we can use it’s beautiful power in our art as we create a fabulous heroine from the Argonauts!

Lesson 3
The Damsel Poses
Chapter 5
The Monsters
Art Supply Focus: Inks
Horrific, malevolent entities, or maligned and misunderstood? We will re-imagine the monsters!

Lesson 1
Many of the most fearsome mythological monsters are female and some even started out as mortal woman who were cruelly mistreated by the Gods (and Goddesses!). I feel so bad for Medusa and the happy life that was stolen from her. Let’s capture Medusa as she dreams of happier times.

Lesson 2
The Minotaur was one of the most famous and gruesome monsters in Ancient Greek mythology, usually portrayed with the body of a man, the great head and horns of a bull and an easily inflamed temper. Rather than dwell on the tragedy of the entire story, let’s re-imagine the monster as a Manataur. In this lesson I’ll show you some keys to drawing a more masculine face!

Lesson 3
The Sketchy Sirens
The Sirens are connected to the famous scene of Odysseus being bound to the mast of his ship, in order to resist their song. Because Homer did not describe them in the Odyssey there were sometimes depicted as part woman, part bird, and sometimes shown as part fish.
The Muses
Art Supply Focus: Mixed Media
Inspiration is a mystical, intangible thing that grasps the artist, the writer, the inventor, and even the scientist! In Greek mythology, the nine Creative Muses were the living personification of the source of that inspiration.

Lesson 1
Muse Of Art Supplies
A creative muse is any source of inspiration you rely on to enrich your writing life and provide you with creative ideas for your next writing project. Strangely there is no Muse for Drawing and painting. I tend to think this is because of the lack of available art supplies! So let’s create our own Muse of Art Supplies!

Lesson 2
Wooden You Love To Try?
Muses can appear anywhere! In this lesson we look at painting a Creative Muse onto a wooden canvas. Of course you can create on paper, but wood adds a lovely element to the creative process!

Lesson 3
Finding Your Muse
Ancient Greek poets would often open pieces of epic poetry with an “invocation of the muse.” This plea was directed to the gods of Greek mythology to serve as sources of inspiration and open the door to creative thought.
The Workshop commences on April 20th.
The Private Facebook Group will open April 15th.
We will keep to a 6 week schedule for livestream interactions
and then you will then have Lifetime access to revisit the lessons whenever you want!

Who is it for?
If you are already comfortable drawing and are ready to really beef up your creative muscles with all sorts of techniques and art supplies, then you will adore these carefully prepared, juicy lessons!
Who is it not suited for?
If you’re just getting started with your art, the Draw Happy workshop will help you with your creative confidence or the Supplies Me workshop may be better if you are new to learning about art supplies.
How the Workshop is Delivered

I have created this class so you can take all the time you need and let the magic happen!
All sessions for the Self-guided study classes are up when you arrive. This means there’s no waiting for projects to be posted and you can take the course at whatever pace works for you.
You can revisit, rewatch, recharge and remind yourself of all the art supplies, all the drawing lessons, all the mixed media inspiration whenever you want.
You need never feel embarrassed about not ‘clicking’ with a new skill straightaway. It’s a terrible feeling when you feel left behind, or that you don’t ‘get it’ and everyone else does in a learning situation! But you will NEVER feel that way in my classroom because you can pause and rewind, and ask questions.
Full instructions are on the site if this is your first online class experience. You are in safe hands!
What you Get

The classes are video based and typically 20 to 40 minutes long each. Intense creative nuggets! I talk you through each of the processes, all the art supplies, what they do and show you how to use them through a variety of drawing projects and exercises.

The Workshop commences on April 20th.
The Private Facebook Group will open April 15th.
We will keep to a 6 week schedule for livestream interactions
and then you will then have Lifetime access to revisit the lessons whenever you want!

What you’ll need for the workshop
Let me just emphasise that you don’t need all the art supplies in the universe to complete your Homework. You can use whatever art tools you have. You will learn new ways of using what you do have, and be able to pinpoint what you may like to add to your creative life in the future without expensive trial and error.
• A high-speed internet service to watch the videos ( if you can watch a YouTube video, you will be fine)
• You will need to be over 15 to access the Jane Davenport Art School
• Bring a healthy ARTitude!
This is a mixed media workshop, which means we will be using a wide range of art supplies! Each lesson may have a focus on a particular art supply, however, you can make substitutions and experiment with the supplies you have. Naturally, Jane will be demonstrating with ‘Jane Davenport’ art supplies throughout and this is a wonderful opportunity to explore the full power of our unique media.
If you would like to gather some supplies before the course commences, you can look to the bundles below as a start.
Gods & Monsters
Mt Olympus Bundle
Happy Journaling Kit
This Kit includes beautiful waxed linen threads, a paper-piercer, paper folder, needles and tape for binding your own journals.
Each of the Art Paper Packs contains pre-folded papers from our incredible journal collection. This Bundle will allow you to make multiple journals with a wide variety of surfaces.
Gods & Monsters