Learn to love your
own lettering
Would you like to deepen your message and self-expression through whimsical women & lettering?
Join us on a collaborative mixed media class between Best Selling authors Joanne Sharpe (the QUEEN of lettering) and me, Jane Davenport.
We’ve teamed up to create a rollicking and cheeky workshop full of techniques and ideas to enliven your expressive art journaling!
This workshop covers 4 comprehensive lessons of drawing and painting with an emphasis on gorgeous whimsical faces, figures and lettering! This is my only workshop that covers how to integrate lettering in your artwork so you can bring your art and stories together to create more powerful, resonate work!

Learn more about the workshop
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Tell Your Story in Colour!
Together Jane and Joanne have created some instructional magic!

Jane Davenport shares her love of watercolour and how she uses it to create beautiful, expressive art work and art journal pages that speak to the artist and viewer. You will learn how using ink and watercolours in a loose and seemingly care-free way can create sumptuous and truly unique artwork!

Joanne Sharpe has written many best selling books on Lettering and in this workshop she clearly explains her composition secrets and shows an easy path to falling in love with your own lettering! You will learn how your own handwriting can be gorgeous and just how much it can uplift and enhance the meaning of your artwork.

Lesson 1
‘The Miss Quoted Alphabet’ with Joanne Sharpe
In our first three-part lesson Joanne Sharpe, the Queen of lettering, is going to show you exactly how to make the Miss Quoted Alphabet using watercolour.

Lesson 2
‘Love Letters’ with Joanne Sharpe
In this bonus Joanne has created a Love Letter! She has speckled it with fun tips as well as a lot of love for my JDMM Collection with American Crafts.

Lesson 3
‘Think in Ink’ with Jane Davenport
Drawing in ink is liberating! Leave your perfectionitis behind and relax into watercolor! We cover my ‘birthday suit’ approach, a turned face and mixing alcohol markers and watercolour.

Lesson 4
Art Speak’ with Jane and Jo
Thsi four part lesson shows yoou how to add quotes to your art with our waterbrush tips, lettering lesson, unique ‘Auditioning’ tools and in this BIG and juicy four part lesson!

Lesson 5
Chatty Letters’ with Jane and Jo
In this Lesson we look at combining journaling and your art in unique and original ways.
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Some of our fun exercises!

Who is it for?
While I classify this as an intermediate level workshop, it is just as suitable for beginners as my loyal Davenpeeps (an affection term of respect for people that love doing all my workshops!).
Who is it not suited for?
If you’re just getting started with your art, either the Draw Happy workshop or Supplies Me workshop ( link to bundle?) would be a great starting place. If you want to draw realistic figures from life, this workshop may not be for you, however it’s perfect if you want to draw expressive figures from your imagination!
How the Workshop is Delivered

I have created this class so you can take all the time you need and let the magic happen!
All sessions for the Self-guided study classes are up when you arrive. This means there’s no waiting for projects to be posted and you can take the course at whatever pace works for you.
You can revisit, rewatch, recharge and remind yourself of all the art supplies, all the drawing lessons, all the mixed media inspiration whenever you want.
You need never feel embarrassed about not ‘clicking’ with a new skill straightaway. It’s a terrible feeling when you feel left behind, or that you dont ‘get it’ and everyone else does in a learning situation! But you will NEVER feel that way in my classroom because you can pause and rewind, and ask questions.
Full instructions are on the site if this is your first online class experience. You are in safe hands!
What you Get

You’ll get the expertise of two celebrated teachers and bestselling authors who will broaden your mind and your art skills!

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What you need for the workshop
Let me just emphasise that you don’t need all the art supplies in the universe to complete your assignments! You can use whatever art tools you have. You will learn new ways of using what you do have, and be able to pinpoint what you may like to add to your creative life in the future without expensive trial and error.
In this workshop we use watercolour, pens, a waterbrush and a journal. If you don’t have those yet, you can check out these ones from my store.



Inkredible Pen

Art Journal

“Always enjoy letting others know about your workshops Jane!!! I think if everyone could experience the fun and magic of one of your workshops, the world would be a happier place.”
Kim, USA

“Thank you mom for encouraging me and for showing me Jane! I feel happier and stress free when I just draw and when I don’t stress about the perfect pencil lines! I am obsessed!!! Thank you Jane for inspiring so many!”
Diana, USA

“Think in Ink – As always with Jane’s lessons, really loved this lesson! My first official experience with Watercolours! One word = Love! Thank you so much Jane!!!!”