Spraying with Jane Davenport’s paints and markersI love spray inks and really anything that can be sprayed through a small bottle. I love using them for backgrounds in my art journal. But, there aren’t any sprays in Jane’s mixed media collection so I took it upon myself to make my own using her FABULOUS acrylic paints and mermaid markers!
With the acrylics add a drop of the paint to a tiny spray bottle(available in most art or craft stores and online). Then add some water, the more you add the more of a pastel look you’ll get. If you have some kind of flow-aid or other thinning medium you can use it or water will work. (I use distilled) Â Shake up the bottle really well.Do this for a few colors, then either spray them directly onto the paper/journal page or spray down some water first for a more watercolor look. Let it drip as you wish and add as much as you wish. You can keep layering wet on wet or let each color dry in-between, that’s up to you.To make a spray from a mermaid marker simply open the marker and carefully pour a tiny bit into a spray bottle and add water or a fluid medium. Shake and spray just the same as with the acrylics. You can then use some of the mermaid marker ink or acrylic paint to splatter using a brush. Now you have a beautiful background to journal on, voila!For my journal background I used the acrylic paint in the dark blue, dark pink and light purple and the mermaid marker in reef.To finish off this art journal spread I used the inkredible pen to sketch in a girl. I activated the ink my Jane waterbrush a little here and there.Then I used the Jane acrylic paints in several colors to the left of my Elvish princess. Yes I’ve decided that she is an Elvish princess maybe because I just marathon-ed the LOTR films. Then I added water to the acrylics on my palette and added them here and there for drips and to accentuate the watercolors. Once that was dry I added a little paint over pen in Unicorn for highlights and Jellyfish mermaid marker(my fave!) on her face and neck which also activated the inkredible pen give the shadows a nice smoky look. After that all that was left was a quote and since she’s an Elvish princess, I added the quote “All that is gold does not glitter” Â by Tolkien is scripted Elvish.And voila, a completed art journal spread. (Although, knowing me I will probably sketch a girl or animal on the left side at some point.)Thanks!AmberHave fun!
Amber Button@amber_button_artist on instagram and my website is AmberButtonDesign.comHello my creative friends,
I am super excited to share one of my favorite techniques with Mermaid Markers with you today!
I love painting circular swirls. It’s super easy! They work great as a background, or can become the focal point of your journal page! My Jane Davenport Journal is full of these colorful, fabulous swirls!
Let’s get started!
Tutorial: Mermaid Marker Swirls
Jane’s Mermaid Markers
JDMM Waterbrush
Choose 2 Mermaid Markers.
Color a small circle, about the size of a penny, on your page.
With your second marker, lay down color on both sides of your circle, like parentheses. I try to be careful not to touch the center circle.
With your waterbrush, begin painting in a circular motion – SWIRL ☺, starting with the edge of the circle, and working outward. Squeeze to add more water as you go.
Optional: Swoop your brush back across the center color, and out again, in an oval shape. This will suggest a floral pattern.
Soften the outer edge with your clean waterbrush.
Continue making more beautiful swirls to fill your page.
TIP: To create wonderful depth in your page, leave some swirl edges hard. They will feel like they are floating above the softer swirls.
I hope you will try this super simple, fabulously fun swirly technique!
Huge, THANK YOU!! to Jane for sharing! I’m so honored ☺
Jessica Sanders
Instagram:Â @jessicasandersartWould you like to be featured in a Guest Post with a technique or tip Idea using Jane Davenport art supplies? We would love to feature you!
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We can’t guarantee publication, but try our best! (What is helpful is for you to have a look through past posts to make sure your post idea hasn’t been covered before).
xoxo Jane

Spray Play!

Frida-uary creative challenge!

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INKcyclopedia arrives Where Colour meets Clarity!

Welcome to my blog Davenpeeps!
If we haven’t met yet, I’m Jane Davenport! I’m a professional artist, art workshop teacher, 5x bestselling author, art supply creator and self-diagnosed art supply addict!
I’m a creativity expert who has guided tens of thousands of women back to their art, defying their self imposed creative gravity and making art with joy and confidence. I share my mixed media art and drawing techniques with everyday artists who feel their creativity calling them to play with colour, texture and their art supplies. I hope my blog can help you embrace the mess, let go of perfectionitis and experience the joy of creativity.