I feel very close to all my artwork. They have become my friends! And I will always care for them.
” Kamikaze Bee” holds such a cherished place in my heart and I need to self-celebrate a little today! This image represents the starting point of a monumental journey for me. I created this image way back in my early bug days, on my first Christmas with my then boyfriend (now husband!). It was during this trip that my fairly new interest in photographing bugs turned to a serious obsession. By a quirk of destiny I took it not far from where I live now. But there was a lot of moving around and adventure before arriving back where I started!
This image won a big award in Los Angeles called a ‘Guru’ and was key in securing a scholarship to the Sante Fe Workshops in New Mexico where I had the joy of studying with John Paul Caponigro. It was on the plane coming home from that AMAZING experience and blazing with the passion and confidence to stop dreaming about becoming an artist ‘one day’ and setting about to make my own wishes come true. That I really could do it and that I would follow my bliss.
The little creature is an Australian blue-banded digger bee. It is swift, solitary and an incredibly hard worker. Head down and bum up she collects treasure from flowers…I feel a kindred spirit there! Thanks little bee.
Choose Happiness,
x Jane