I hope you find this travel Art Journal inspiring… I just loved creating it. L.O.V.E.D. It’s a Work In Progress…. I am adding anecdotes and bits and pieces to it as they surface from my handbag and the nether regions of suitcases… I just received the two boxes of books I bought when I was at Insatiables in Port Townsend. Karen has no web presence, so I can’t do anything other than say, if you go anywhere near that area of the world, you must poke your head in the door. The particular whiff of old books is like nectar to me… the mustier the better quite frankly… because amongst that earthy smell is treasure more sparkling than Edwin Cullen’s skin in daylight. (Twilight references are allowed in this post because I was only an hour away from Forkes.)
I had the “Days of Danger” book with me on the trip as I wasn’t really sure how I was going to use it. ( My nickname is Danger – hence the book I selected) . I prepped the pages with gesso before I left. I used it as a sketch book during my travels, and on my flight home, I decided it was going to become my major memory vessel for that Seattle trip. The same exact thing happened after my trip to Paris/Portugal last year. I think it is a desperate attempt to extend the wonderful adventure just that little bit longer!
All manner of memorabilia was collected up on my adventure and put it in one little bag. The Polaroids are mainly from Fuji Instax Cameras. {I’ll do a post about them soon!}… My BFF Cynthia had her little POGO printer with her, and gave me quite a few pics too. These add so much to the book… all the crazy memories they trigger…
i didn’t even try to attempt the keep things in linear order… the book is for me… to trigger memories and that warm rush of heart-felt emotion for the people contained there. The images that appear in the video, that are not in the book yet, are things I will get in there one day! I suppose the video itself is a Travel Journal too….
Featured in the video is my BFF Elisabeth Rene from Leopard Print Tank Top singing a few impromptu tunes on her Uke. Talented right?! and darn ‘tootin cute…
The Double exposure photos and Light Painting images are mainly done by famed Photographic artist and Lomographer and BFF Tracy V. Moore. ( I just love in the Video when he turns me and says “Did you know that?” about Elisabeths TALENT… and I’m all “oh, yeah, I totally already knew”. I call Elisabeth The Songbird….)
See my former post for info on the Play retreat… and many former posts for my Teesha love!
aaaaaw… missing my pals!
Choose Happiness,