All about the art!


When I was scouring the universe for the info I needed on creating fine art digital prints 10 years ago, the amount of dry and dusty, techno-babble I would have to endure would send me into a Snow-White-meets-poison-apple sleep. I remember sitting in lectures, desperately trying to stay conscious but holding the sneaking suspicion that the lecturer was deliberately trying to make the info as dry and dusty as possible.  As a result, I have no tolerance for techno-babble.

So, how was I to take what is essentially dry info, into something real, approachable and memorable?  Well, I will tell you my little secret… I just pretend I am talking to a friend. The camera melts away, and it’s just you and me, having a chat.  Whether it’s about how to select the artwork that will make a great print, to taking you along on a tour of my studio or the nitty-gritty information on scanner settings, selections, all I need to do is make it all about the art.

I just keep that excitement of where our art can go, foremost in my thoughts, and the rest unfolds.  I have had fun pulling apart what is a very technical process and making it inviting, approachable and memorable.



I see amazing artwork created in my online and real-world classrooms every day.

For those that want to take their artwork to a wider audience,
Print & Scan is an elegant leap in that direction.

I don’t have a magic formula for making you the next mixed media superstar,
but I can show you how to prepare for it.

I can share my knowledge on capturing your artwork to it’s best advantage.

I can create a supportive community of kindred spirits.

I can and I am!

the fun starts next Monday, November 4th


Press play for your Invitation:



If you are ready for that bigger audience, 

  it’s time to get your work out of your journal and off the canvas
and out into the world and people’s hearts.  

This workshop is for you if you are ready to take
the next exciting step in becoming a Professional Artist!


This Professional Development Workshop costs $300

Places are Limited

I see so much artwork in my workshops that really needs to be shared with a wider audience.

That artwork needs to get out of the journal!
Off the canvas!
And out into the world on walls, in hands and into hearts.

This workshop is for you if you are ready to take
the next step to becoming a Professional Artist!


As with all my workshops, you know you will get everything I have to give –
which is a lot!


Print & Scan is open for Registration now.

Class starts on November 4th 2013


more info:

In Print & Scan I will share my secrets for:

  1. Creating the very best quality with the equipment you have.
  2. What it takes to create true Fine Art Digital prints.
  3. Selecting the right paper.
  4. Recommendations for upgrading equipment when the time comes.
  5. Taming the whole process of image capture and printing.
  6. Creating quality work for Portfolios, Exhibitions, magazine and publication submissions, gifts for friends and family and for your etsy ( or similar ) store.
  7. Gathering the confidence under best-practice standards to pursue your Artistic dreams.

This workshop does not include any information on selling or marketing your work.
Instead we focus on the critical elements of presenting your work so it captures all the time, effort and joy that you have poured into it!

Print & Scan
The Professional Printing Workshop for Mixed Media Artists.

Print & Scan will run as a ‘Live’ class over 5 Modules and then be open for Self Guided Study.
You will have a year of access to the Class Materials.

This workshop is for you if you are ready to take the next step to becoming a Professional Artist!The cost of this Professional Development Workshop is AU$300buy-now-button

Please email info(at) with any sign up difficulty.






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Meet Jane

Welcome to my blog Davenpeeps!

If we haven’t met yet, I’m Jane Davenport! I’m a professional artist, art workshop teacher, 5x bestselling author, art supply creator and self-diagnosed art supply addict!

I’m a creativity expert who has guided tens of thousands of women back to their art, defying their self imposed creative gravity and making art with joy and confidence. I share my mixed media art and drawing techniques with everyday artists who feel their creativity calling them to play with colour, texture and their art supplies. I hope my blog can help you embrace the mess, let go of perfectionitis and experience the joy of creativity.


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Due to the current worldwide situation, shipping may be delayed. Stay healthy, creative and inspired!