I have been watching the hordes of people at the Sydney Royal Easter Flower and Garden Show taking photos of the competition flowers on display.
99% of people must have their point-and-shoot camera set on full auto and just poke it at the Grand Champion rose, BANG! flash goes off, on to the next flower. I really do pity whoever would be shown all the bleached out, non-composed snap shots…Boring!
What would make those shots so much better straight away would be for people to line up a non- distracting background. If you are going to the trouble of snapping something, why not make it fairly clear what you where trying to take a picture of!
2nd, make sure you select the ‘Macro’ mode ( usually represented by a tulip logo).
3rd – check your flash mode. Judging by all the flashes going off around me all day ( I am getting to know how Britney feels!), most of those little cameras are in. ‘forced flash’ mode- that means the flash will fire- no matter what! “Experiment with your other flash modes people!” is what I feel like calling out…a little fill flash, 2nd curtain sync, or no flash at all may give better or more interesting results.