You are invited!
I am going for a little holiday in Perth to visit family & friends, so why not incorporate some extra fun with a gathering of creative minds?
The Craft Show is on too, so I’ll be pretty busy!
The Artomology Workshop, Perth
May 19 and 20.
10 am to 4pm
Liz Davenport’s HQ: ‘The Sanctuary”,
109 Stirling Highway, Nedlands.
It will be a fun and intense whirlwind of a weekend, creating whimsical, beautiful, mixed-media faces and figures. Lots of drawing and painting techniques for making gorgeous skin-tones and captivating expressions. Jane has just returned from teaching her unique brand of Mixed-Media processes techniques at Teesha Moore’s Artfest Annex in Seattle.
Jane Davenport is a celebrated artist, prize winning author and popular Creativity Workshop Leader. Her artwork has been licenced worldwide and she is also the Chief Artomologist at the Institute of Cute!
Cost is $395
Lunch and refreshments will be included.
click here to book