Last year I decided to create a virtual Advent calendar with a different Jane Davenport ® Artist Supply featured for each day. Then I did a Daily Livestream full of tips and techniques and it was a blast !
The shakeup is… I have so many art supplies I had to start it in November 😂!
I went in chronological order from my first supplies- we had surprises and new releases o the way.
This year I am shaking it up and we are starting from the latest releases, and because so much art joy has been happening, I have waaaaaaay more to fit in- what FUN!!!
– You can see the Livestreams on my FB page.
-The Calendar is below if you want to pull out your supplies that day and join in with me 💕.
I’ve launched over five hundred Artist Supplies since 2017. Wow!
Even if I did one a day, I couldn’t fit them into a year 💕❤️.
#janedavenport #janedavenportmixedmedia #mixedmedia #artsupplies #rainbowitis