My last two butterflies ‘hatched’ this morning. A male and female Cairns birdwings. They are just so spectacular! As with all the other butterflies, I have allowed them free-flight throughout the whole studio (its within a great big warehouse). They have plenty of room to fly where they choose. I have mass of flowers to tempt them.
I am arranging the flowers in interesting shapes, and then waiting for the butterflies to come to me. It is working surprisingly well. I am employing all my powers of wishful thinking for where I would like the butterflies to come and sit.
These are not finished images, but you can see the fun I am having with my beautiful flying flowers!

Cairns birdwing butterfly-Jane Davenport

Cairns birdwing butterfly-Jane Davenport

Cairns birdwing 1 butterfly-Jane Davenport