Oh my oh my oh my!!!! My first Amazon review has appeared! It was a good one and helpful to other readers. After years of seeing the bizarre, sometimes cruel and odd reviews left on some of my favourite book titles on Amazon in amangst the 5 star reviews, , I was secretly dreading the ‘The Reviews’ for my own book.
But I had a good chat with Seth Apter at ‘Art is You’ earlier in the year about such things, and I think he really did help me mentally prepare for them ( I think) . (hmmmm, really?. ). ( probably not).( lol!).
Anyway, I am taking screen shots of the good stuff and will try and focus on the AWESOME! Let’s start here with the tooting of my own horn:
#1 baby! # 1 and 5 stars under my name. GLOWING.
AND the barrage of tooting continues:
My book has moved up to #1 in Mixed Media – HELLO? What?! I am going to faint. Of delight.
THANK YOU to everyone who believed and trusted in me, and ordered my book.
I went all out creating my book. I photographed every picture, wrote every word, designed the whole thing and created all the artwork in it. It was an intense, amazing experience. Oh , yeah and I filmed it all too as I created it, for the Online Workshop. So the book feels like a very important milestone.
If you have my book and enjoyed it would you leave me an Amazon review too? I would love you so hard!
Especially if you could point what you found most helpful or your favourite parts of the book. That way it is helpful to other readers.
You can click this image to leave your review!
Don’t forget, you can order signed copies from my store.
I am the only one who has them in Australia … they won’t be available here until late April.
Thank you again for your support – you ROCK!