It’s just a few hours before Teesha and I swish back the curtains at the Mermaid Circus.
No boobies are allowed on Ning, sooooo…. I have had to create my own site! I mean we are talking Mermaids here, and they are rather notorious for exposing their breasticles. So in the name of creative freedom for my students – new site!
I am also learning new video editing software – at first I was wondering if I had experienced a break with reality in deciding to ‘upgrade’to it, because the new software also meant my entire Mac Pro had to be overhauled – never a pleasant task. Anyway… I am so JAZZED I did! Seriously. I could jazz walk around the garden right now over it! So making the videos, the graphics, the site itself has been huge work, but … I love it.
I am not overwhelmed. I am calm. And VERY excited.
Collaborating with Teesha has been quite an experience… she’s a creative genius. Just this morning I got an email from her with an idea so big that I need time to sit with it, examine it from every angle and prize it apart a little. Light keeps bursting through the seams.
That happens to me all the time when I am around her. She has these notions… intuitions… thoughts… and when I hear them, it’s like a rainbow bomb going off inside my head. I’m seeing things going down three different paths all at once and my perception shifts. She is like art LSD. Mind altering. I am more creative when I am around her. More confident in my own wackiness.
So goddess knows WHAT is going to happen in The Mermaid Circus over the next 8 weeks… exquisite artwork that’s for sure!
We have room for you in the Big Top if you want to join ( see sidebar!) Its gonna be supercalifragilistickexpealidocious.