OK! So here is the new PROJECT. Angus my amazing, super awesome husband has been talking about making some ‘things’ for the gallery out of wood for ages…he has been quietly getting himself prepared and the workshop organised. Refining the skills, organising equipement…you know …PROCRASTINATING! I am a world champion at that myself, so I can spot it pretty quick 😉
Anyway, 12 days he started talking about a machine called a ‘Scroll Saw’. Every 2nd sentence was “let’s take the dogs for a walk. I am thinking about getting this scroll saw…should I go for a scroll saw – I mean surf? I have to do the tax. Oh look at this scroll saw on YouTube”. I was like, “yep, whatever, just get it! now,get out of my way I have to paint!” and “if you make me sit through some creepy dude using his scroll saw again, I am going to make you watch Art Journaling videos.”.
So the decision on the German Scroll Saw was made. It arrived. It is whisper quiet. Normally when he gets all creative in the workshop it is like a bear and a teenage t-rex fighting over who gets to sit in the front seat. It’s LOUD! But not this thing….oh no…it’s fantastic.
And Angus is a total master at it. He asked me to design something for him to cut – so we sat together and I worked out a simple little tree for my dresser. Tall enough to hang a necklace on. But he wanted something more complicated, so the design was refined and complicated and eventually even an owl appeared.
I printed the design on paper, and off Angus went to the Workshop. Squirreled away in there for a while and then emerged with this:
This was his first creation…yes really.
He is a master at it.
And he is so cute he breaks my heart
and this guy ain’t bad either….
So a week later and I have a little forest of owl trees, all being painted and installed in the Gallery as we speak (eeerrr…write…).
Three cheers for Angus for being the best!
X Jane