Ever experienced too much awesome? (If not, well I hope it happens to you some time soon!
And if you do, well tell me about it in the comments area below – I would love to hear about your awesome!).
‘Too Much Awesome’ (TMA) has me feeling a little edgie, a little manic…
TMA feels a bit like overwhelm… but I’m not stressed out. I’m feeling exhilarated, but not exhausted.
I have put too much on my plate, but it’s all the good, juicy, healthy stuff that a growing artist needs!
Last week I finished filming my part of ‘Radiant Faces’ and then tumbled headlong into researching Frida Kahlo for ‘Studying Under the Masters’ ( see the side bar for details). I’ll be filming Frida all week. Yep, TMA.
I am just back from two Escape Artist Retreats in Paris, and the Arty Party workshop with Tam Laporte in Brighton and have already taught two weekend workshops since my return. Bali is next! TMA.
The TMA Weekend
The Art-is-you Aussie Roadshow is over. The highlight was spending time with some of my favourite people in the world . We meet as student and teacher and become friends. This happens in my world a lot! I may have mentioned that I have several superpowers and one of them is attracting awesome people. So it’s little wonder that I feel like I’m at a party with wonderful friends when I teach. Look at our happy faces!
and this is how we spent the weekend:
I took a little time out on Friday just to play with some new markers I got in America ( yikes! it took me 3 months to get around too unpacking my bags – TMA!).
My mermaids are going through a transformation at the moment… looking a bit saucy!
This sultry siren is enjoying a SEAgar on the seabed… I started her during the mermaid workshop yesterday. It also shows a technique I concocted for ‘Mermaid Circus’.
So as soon as I finish filming Frida paintings this week, I put on my Top Hat and get to play Ringmaster for 8 glorious weeks of the workshop I created with Teesha Moore. (You can join us here)
Too. Much. Awesome.