Ok, in case you haven’t guessed I am brand new to blogging and I really felt as if I had no idea what I was doing… so rather than feel like that, I decided to do something about it! Through blind chance I found my way to a blogging Super-Star’s front step and lo! and behold she was about to launch in to a three month long e-class called ‘Blogging Your Way’.
Holly Becker’s https://decor8blog.com/ has approx a billion readers a day ( OK, exaggeration, but she IS a Cyber-Star), and is the first blog I ever subscribed to. Her daily posts arrive in my email box at the start of the day, and I really look forward to them. As a professional artist, working in my Temple of Creativity (cue tinkling music and choir voices), is a chiefly solitary pursuit. I need the space to experiment, play and thinki-poo. So Decor8’s beautiful daily message fresh from Germany of the lovely nests and cocoons people are snuggling into from around the world, is really very nice indeed. Makes me feel part of the world and ‘in-touch’ and instantly erases the distaste from horrid spam that still slips in my good mail.
Sooo…what am I trying to say? I will remain a bit quiet while I am recombobulating my blog while the classes are on the go….I will begin posting again soon, promise! Heh, I may even surprise you and begin mad blogging, who knows? ( I dont!)