i have SO MUCH work to do. Truly. And what am i doing? I’m pfaffing about in my Journal. Delightedly so.
As a little treat I ordered a Fujifilm Instax 50 s from Photojojo. It takes little instant photos… and I big red heart it! I’ve never really incorporated photos in my pages, but I’m loving this…and I get to use some snippets from my VAST collection of cute tapes (which I just can’t seem to stop buying – oh well, at least they are a cheap addiction).
I cant WAIT to travel with it on my (super-electric) upcoming trip to Paris/Portugal/Singapore. Somehow I manage to make everyone look very hideous in these photos, but they have so much life! Even my dogs turned out very strange…but they are the BEST photos I have ever taken of them…weird, but true (very weird).
And yesterday I made a watercolour paint folder…and I even filmed it. Oh yes, there is some serious procrastination goin on Miss Jane… But at least it’s active procrastination…I can console myself with a rewarding pat on the back that Im not watching the boob tube or playing Tomb Raider on the PS3 (well there was a that passage of time spent on Plants vs Zombies on the iPad..shhhhhh…!).

'Nervous Performers' - Doodling in my Journal is too much fun..I'm doing alot 'cos im teaching my online 'Draw Happy' Class at the moment.
So today, right after I finish typing this and then tidy up my desk and make that Ikea shelf that’s been in the corner for 6 months (yep, still active procrastination ‘goin on stroooong), this is what I intend to do will do today:
- Create wording for my mug range for my awesome Licencee, Ashdene.
- Get back to work on revising the manuscript for the new edition of my book, the Garden Guardians.
There is lots more to do, but those things are MAJOR and I need to get to work on them. I WANT too . I mean, amazing projects or what? Hello! It’s just they are so mammoth, behemoth, gargantuan…and its hard to start from a dead stop, ya know? And I want them to be PERFECT…so what better way to achieve that lofty goal than not to start? (yeah, right…like Ace Ventura pet Detective said, often: ” leeeeeew-se-heeeer”).
So how about this for a strategy? I don’t need to be attempting perfection. I just need to make onle little bitty step. Embrace the starting point. …’cos I know that once my tires bite into the rubble, and I get a bit of traction, I’ll start rolling along, and then work my way up to a trundle , and then i’ll be chugging, steaming, whizzing, charging and then up up up and away! I’ll be flying, the human-wonder-dynamo-girl-woman and getting everything sorted.
I need a coffee. no no no! I need to start.
And my reward shall be I get to paint. Oh no! my easel just heard me type that (yes, it has VERY good hearing) and now its kind of bouncing up and down in excitement…or maybe it just needs to go to the loo? Anyways. Enough! Work, now.
You go do some too, and then we’ll both meet back here and throw our hats up in the air and slap each others shoulders!
Choose silliness happiness,
x Jane
This journal page has nothing to do with what I am banging on about above..am i wasting time again? yep…feels like I could be getting other stuff done now…yep…definitely ned to stop typing and dawdling….