It’s the last week of filming for the all new ‘Supplies Me’ I have really enjoyed revamping the whole workshop. It was the first stand-alone ecourse I ever created, and I really wanted to dig back in there and update it all. Mission accomplished! Well nearly. Just the last few videos for Watercolours are left for me to finalise.
I really enjoy the filming and editing process. I am completely in charge of every aspect. This is the young lady who washed out of my paintbrushes this afternoon.
I start filming Beautiful Faces next week. Well, lots of it was filmed when I created the book, but I do have extra things I want to add. I really do have fun with this whole process. I get really excited about my lesson plans, and how to best present my ideas to inspire my students. I like untangling really, really tricky techniques and making them achievable. I love that I can help so many other people with their creative confidence in this way. It’s fun!
And I REALLY get fist-pumping jazzed when I create something on camera that really resonates with me. This girl was talking to me non-stop as I created her.
I’ve been working on my own set of Schminke watercolours. I just love their 1/2 pans. The paint is so rich and intense! I have handpicked the colours – and they are a divine mix. I just love the robust, lush pigment load I get in each brushstroke. And the flesh tones I can create… ai ai ai!
I’m crushing on my new Neptune paintbrushes too. They are up there with my terribly fancy Kolinsky sable brushes. I got a few to try them out, and was so impressed I ordered the whole collection for myself and the store!
I can’t keep away from my Daniel Smith watercolours (and why would I even try too – lol!). They make me a little weak at the knees. They do such strange, beautiful things and I already know I won’t stop until I have all their colours. I know I don’t NEED them all. But I don’t want to miss out on anything.
Some people love jewellery and lovely shoes. I am happiest relishing in my artists materials ( plus Monster High dolls, but let’s not start that conversation).
I am taking the day off tomorrow and just hanging on my front deck and playing with watercolours all day. Donna Downey and her hubby Bill are staying with me, so she will appear at some point once recovered from the looooong flight. It’s so cool hanging out with an art buddy. I can’t wait. I am going to dream of watercolours!
Strathmore Watercolour journal
Neptune brushes
Jane Davenport Selection Schmincke Watercolours
Supplies Me
Beautiful Faces
Daniel Smith Watercolours – Seniors Art Supply usually stock the full range of Daniel Smith. I LOVE Kyanite, Moonglow and Shadow Violet.