Yesterday afternoon I went on an expedition for ladybirds again! (btw: ladybugs, ladybeetles are the same thing!). My safari turned up the elusive ladies at the very last second…and I have spent today arranging my flowers in the studio and coaxing the ladies to march in single file. okay! okay! I didn’t have anything to do with them marching in single file, they did it on their own…oh, how I wish I could train them to bend to my will…
It is still to windy to photograph outside – anything more than a breeze makes it impossible for macro photography! But i have natural light pouring in…( I don’t think my studio lights haven’t been used since I had the sunlight panels installed over the my photography studio!). And lots of inspiration.
Photographing in my studio has some other advantages I am really appreciating and celebrating today! Most of them are to do with physical comforts like: as much water as I want, no sunburn, the loo, no bities hiding in the grass, all my lenses, Â – and best of all MUSIC! Blaring as loud or chiming as quietly as I want. And that I can just download my images as I go and check details is wonderful. It’s a very creative way of working and encourages me to keep trying new things. Fun fun, fun!
x Jane