I have worked as a ‘Creative’ my entire adult life, the last decade as a full time, professional Artist, but it wasn’t until I was asked to share one of my ‘Secrets’ and teach online in April this year, that I really took the time to look objectively at what I ‘do’ and dig into my ‘creative process’. This wasn’t easy because I like working with so many mediums from photography to surface design and painting.
But as I remained alert to my process, I noticed there was the common denominator across all the varying art forms I swing across. Drawing.
Drawing allows me to express ideas, before they are even formed…they help coalesce them into existence. And I’m not talking full-fledged Michelangelo masterpieces, drawing encompases everything from the humble scribble through to doodling, sketching, rendering and so on. I draw all the time…
Drawing is so GOOD for you! It lights up the whole brain because it engages imagination and problem solving skills. It awakes memories and laser focuses hand-brain co-ordination. It’s the foundation of all the visual arts. If you have confidence in drawing, you can express ideas that defy language… A picture says a thousand words after all.
To say I love drawing is an understatement. But I was the kid at school who could draw. I’ve always had drawing in my life but just ‘cos I dig it, could I teach it? Could I share this insane passion for drawing? Was I really capable of showing just HOW useful, easy and fun it can be?
Well, I decided to give it a shot, and ‘Draw Happy‘ was born. 400 students took that online class as part of 21 Secrets. The feedback was overwhelming from the start. I changed peoples lives. I got to walk with people on their creative paths, which as an artist who has chosen to create in a fairly solitary environment, is an experience that is precious beyond measure. And my students discovered not only could they draw…. but they LOVED it! And I loved that they loved. Yes, it was a love fest.
I discovered a BIG secret about myself during that class. I am an awesome sharer. I can break things down into manageable, memorable steps. And that means I am able to teach well. Heh, after hundreds of emails and comments telling you something over and over, seriously, you get the message!
Encouraged and motivated to do more, I went on to create my own stand alone online classes “Supplies Me’ and ‘i HEART Drawing’. Both huge successes in class numbers and results for my students. I mean, you should SEE what goes down in the classroom – seriously amazing artwork, leaps and bounds, personal style being uncovered and polished. Trails are being blazed! My chest puffs out with pride at the creative courage my students are making part of their artistic lives.
Lots (LOTS) of my students used to be ” I can’t draw”,”I don’t have a creative bone in my body” or “I can hardly draw a stick figure” people. They decided to stop saying that. To give the crazy Aussie a go…and guess what? I was right! Yes, I have a SuperPower. Deal with it. I can not only teach you to draw, you will actually love what you draw. You will become more confident because you did something you thought was impossible. I have the proof. I see it everyday in my classrooms.
And now Draw Happy returns home. Refreshed and refurbished in its own classroom as a stand-alone Mini Workshop.
If you want to stop saying “I can’t draw”, make 2012 the year to do it. Please consider ending this self-limiting belief once and for all! Join the class for Unlimited Access to the videos. Cute and colourful PDF’s. You can share your work and be part of the inspiration in my online school.
It opens on January 1st for self guided study with unlimited access.
If you have never done an online workshop, or would like to start looking after your creative health or just want a little creative kick start – Join in! I would absolutely love it if you did.