Yes, its OFFICIAL. *she screams!*
I am teaching at Teesha Moore’s Artfest Annex in Seattle in Feb 2012… Hooley Dooley! I am so looking forward to seeing my friends, making new ones and visiting Seattle for the first time. I will be coming straight from the hottest part of the Ozzie summer to freezing winter for the Play retreat, and then Seattle-ing and preparing for my 3 day workshop. And I will be cramming all my energy into it…it’s going to be a face-drawing extravaganza!
Click the above image to see the class descriptions. I would so LOVE it if YOU could Come along and draw, draw, draw with me. 3 intense days of creative juju, Journaling and joy…
I now have to go and fan myself…. attack of the vapours…. too much happy dancing can wear a girl out!