The holiday is over

Unease and agitation is settling in on me a little. After two weeks of just doing whatever I felt like, I have to buckle down to some proper ‘work’. So of course I feel under pressure and therefore on the verge of grumpy. But I could just be hangry ( aggitation bought on my hunger!), so I’ll have a grapefruit in a minute and i bet I fell 80% better. But at the moment, even the way this keyboard sounds as I type on it is annoying me.

The way I’m feeling may also be a come down from the fabulous weekend of art, art, art! I love sharing my home and space at our workshops. Teaching takes a lot of energy, so I could just be depleted from too much fun. Maybe my Angus works the most though! He is in charge of all the food, coffee and the store, so he is flat-out the whole weekend ( I am making a mental note not to let my grumps out on him!).

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I need to focus on the wonderful creations from the weekend. These are just a few!

weekend workshop-jane davenport 134 weekend workshop-jane davenport 135 weekend workshop-jane davenport 137 weekend workshop-jane davenport 138 weekend workshop-jane davenport 139 weekend workshop-jane davenport 140 weekend workshop-jane davenport 141 weekend workshop-jane davenport 142 weekend workshop-jane davenport 143 weekend workshop-jane davenport 144 weekend workshop-jane davenport 145 weekend workshop-jane davenport 146 weekend workshop-jane davenport 147 weekend workshop-jane davenport 148(Artists: Cathie Stevenson, Art Circus, Jodie Gaul, Natacha Desille, Julie Short, Donna Ritchie)

Looking at that artwork definitely makes me feel a bit more sparkly! But it makes me want to go and draw and paint, and I have to do other stuff. I haven’t scanned my artwork for ages, and there is quite a backlog.

I need to scan that work, so i can pop it in my store. If sharing my art with the world feels like ‘work’ then I am looking at the situation the wrong way, right?! Of course I would rather be in the Studio, creating new artwork, but a day or 2 getting scans and prepping digital files of finished work is time well spent. Part of the creative process.

I woke up with the pressing need to totally reorganise my office. I’ve been up looking at new desks online since first light. When I start to look  at furniture and think “if I just had that Herman Miller number, life would be perfect” and a trip to Ikea is mentioned, I know something is up.  If I give in to that urge,  I will lose a week to getting ‘organised’. It’s my number one way to procrastinate.

So now I have to look at what is causing me to be suddenly unsatisfied with my perfectly lovely workspace. I need to isolate what I am really resisting. I will not allow myself to hide behind ‘feeling grumpy’. I can be a real brat when I am resisting something!

So I am going to have a grapefruit, reminisce about the awesome weekend and then get started  –  or did I just procrastinate again!…. yeesh. OK! I am going to do 1 scan, then see what happens.




p.s. UPDATE:

I am scanning – I have two scanners going – my A3 Epson and the hi-res Epson…  ( hi-fives self)





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Meet Jane

Welcome to my blog Davenpeeps!

If we haven’t met yet, I’m Jane Davenport! I’m a professional artist, art workshop teacher, 5x bestselling author, art supply creator and self-diagnosed art supply addict!

I’m a creativity expert who has guided tens of thousands of women back to their art, defying their self imposed creative gravity and making art with joy and confidence. I share my mixed media art and drawing techniques with everyday artists who feel their creativity calling them to play with colour, texture and their art supplies. I hope my blog can help you embrace the mess, let go of perfectionitis and experience the joy of creativity.


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