I knocked myself out over this divine little number! Look at her – isn’t she – can I say it — breathtaking?
And we are receiving our advance copies this week. My hands are shaking as I type. Luckily I can’t smudge my words ‘cos IÂ *may* be a tad emotional and elated.
I got my first copies on Monday…and my Advance copies sailed into Sydney Harbour on Friday. They are grooving their way on up the Pacific Motorway to my doorstep as we speak!
I have an awesome deal in my store when you order an Advance copy and the Workshop together!
And of course your copy from me will be lovingly signed!
So you can also sign up for the Workshop which opens on March 1st.
The books are listed on Amazon and other booksellers as available from Jan 1st.
The books are listed on Amazon and other booksellers as available from Jan 1st.
There’s lots more info on the shop site – I hope you celebrate with me!
Jane/ Danger