Jane-uary! A month of Lovestreams 💕
Join me for a Lovestream each day through January to continue our art-supply celebration! You can see the videos and...
Artvent Calendar 22- Celebrate the year in Art Supplies with me!
Last year I decided to create a virtual Advent calendar with a different Jane Davenport ® Artist Supply featured for...
Fun flower prompts for September!
Time to Bloom - with the national flowers of some lovely countries from around the world. we have missed a few, so...
Mermay Prompts!
Mad Hatters Eyes!
This mOnth we have the 'Alice in April ' creative challenge and you are invited to join in the fun. In the video I...
Alice 1: Cheshire Cat as a Showgirl!
Join In:
Mythical March
New Journals!
In this LiveStream I introduced the NEW drawing Room Art Journals! You can find them: click here The Journals are...
Jane-uary Austin Creative Challenge!
Cool Carver – make your own Stamps
In preparation for todays Livestream, here is the template I am using! 💕 This link will open a downloadable...
Ladybug Dotters!
This series of Livestreamed videos are not edited and far from perfect, rather, they are full of life, spontaneity and...