I have just completely reworked the very first workshop I ever created. 'Draw Happy'. It was 2011 and my very first...
And the lucky winner is…
This answer appealed to my inner Science Fiction Afficionado ( nerd) side AND lists some neat places to have an Art...
Map Art Stencils Blog Hop & Give-Away!
Artistcellar Signature Series Map Art by Jill K Berry. I am still travelling in the USA and today was my last day of...
Jill Berry stencil winner
What a response to winning Jill's new stencil set! Maria Dingman is our winner. "I love the idea of stencils, but...
Stencil Sister: Jill Berry, new video and giveaway!
Stencils are such fun and a wonderful way to change direction with a page. I had some very colourful pages in my...
My Stencil Sister!
The totally delightful Tam Laporte is my new Stencil Sister at Artistcellar. She joins Jill. K. Berry, Chris Cozen and...
Jane Davenport Stencils – the new Set revealed!
Finally I can reveal my new stencil set! Over the next week I will be revealing my new Stencil collection with Artist...
Keep trying, don't give up, that's if you want it bad enough
ooooh... the blog Hop is getting closer -I am getting rather excited to see what my invited Guest Artists have been up...
My life right now: from Jane's Bali Art Nest
A little more playing with my new stencils! I can't show you them in detail yet... it's all still hush-hush! The text...
Sneaky Peeky!
I have a little secret I can reveal... My next four stencils are coming out with Artist Cellar in a few weeks. My...
Stencil Finale and Give-away!
I hope you have been following the Blog Hop celebrating my new Stencil set from Artist Cellar! I'm feeling like a very...
Stupendous, scintillating Stencilry !
Purchase here: https://www.instituteofcute.com/stencil-series/ Put simply: Artist Cellar make really cool stencils....