Mermaids and the inky depths
Seas the day!
As artists, I believe we should go where we are DRAWN. If you have a love for the creating faces and figures from your imagination, then this workshop was mermaid for you! Dive into a whirlpool of new watercolor techniques and have a whale of a time with me as your FINstructor.

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Prepare to be mermesmerised!
I want you to be endlessly inspired to create your own expressive, meaningful art! I like to think of Watercolours as a collaboration where you each suggest ideas and then run with it. Once you appreciate and understand the way it likes to play, you will quickly dive into the whirlpool with confidence!
- If this is your first workshop with me – Welcome!
- If you are a Davenpeep (a term of endearment for someone who loves doing my workshops!), then whis workshop builds on beautifully from my skill-based workshops ( Supplies me,Beautiful Faces and I Heart Drawing). We will be building on from lessons learned in all my other workshops so you can continue to add complexity and movement to your original artwork.
- We will be diving into a whirlpool of new watercolor techniques as well as pencil, ink, acrylic and pastels.
- We will be building up to more complex faces and figures ( all step by step of course).


Lesson 1
Making a Journal

Lesson 2
It’s not the destination, it’s the journal! Here we’ll create a tideline – a shaping of the actual pages of your journal that tells a story.

Lesson 3
Sea Spray
New ways to use watercolors, papers and a whole lot of wild art fun! How do we create a world for our mermaids to swim in? One way is to use Sea Sprays…

Lesson 4
You Mermaid for Me
Time to Sketchercise, and what better way than a swim in the ocean!

Lesson 5
The Mermaid Rhythm
Jane’s and Undulating Spine Line™ method for Constructing the figure!

Lesson 6
Make a Splash
Watercolour on a different kind of surface using the Sanded Pastel Paper.

Lesson 7
Taming the Wild Sea
Now we move onto the drawing part of the lesson, using pastels!

Lesson 8
Marie Planktonette
The legend of the seven seas has arrived! Learn tips and tricks to draw a turned face.

Lesson 9
The Inky Depths
We’ll use vintage illustrations from Haeckel to create the most beautiful crowns for our mermaid!

Lesson 10
Body of Water
Jane’s Undulating Spine Line™ method for Constructing the figure!

Lesson 11
La Sirena Gorda
Mermaids come in all shapes and sizes just like us. Learn how to draw the structure of larger figures, which I call ‘juicy figures’.

Lesson 12
Keep Urchin Up
Create Marie Planktonettes inner circle from the Mermaid Royal Court. Her Ladies-in-Wading. “Let them eat crab cakes!”

Lesson 13
Sea of Ink
Beauty on the high sleeves. Taking all the body techniques we have been learning, we’ll add some tattoo collage elements.

Lesson 14
Seal of Approval
Let’s bring everything we had learned and add something new! We’ll use our undulating spine line and get this mermaid to swim under the ocean.

Lesson 15
General Porpoise
Let’s continue on with friends for our mermaids! Introducing: General Porpoise

Lesson 16
Rays of Light
Now we’ll work with stingrays, another of our mermaid’s friends!
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Who is it for?
While I classify this as an intermediate level workshop, it is just as suitable for beginners as my loyal Davenpeeps (an affection term of respect for people that love doing all my workshops!).
Who is it not suited for?
If you’re just getting started with your art, either the Draw Happy workshop or Supplies Me workshop ( link to bundle?) would be a great starting place. If you want to draw realistic figures from life, this workshop may not be for you, however it’s perfect if you want to draw expressive figures from your imagination!
How the Workshop is Delivered

I have created this class so you can take all the time you need and let the magic happen!
All sessions for the Self-guided study classes are up when you arrive. This means there’s no waiting for projects to be posted and you can take the course at whatever pace works for you.
You can revisit, rewatch, recharge and remind yourself of all the art supplies, all the drawing lessons, all the mixed media inspiration whenever you want.
You need never feel embarrassed about not ‘clicking’ with a new skill straightaway. It’s a terrible feeling when you feel left behind, or that you dont ‘get it’ and everyone else does in a learning situation! But you will NEVER feel that way in my classroom because you can pause and rewind, and ask questions.
Full instructions are on the site if this is your first online class experience. You are in safe hands!
What you Get

The classes are video based and typically between 7 and 20 minutes long each. Intense creative nuggets! I talk you through each of the art supplies, what they do and show you how to use them through a variety of drawing projects and exercises.

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What you’ll need for the workshop
Let me just emphasise that you don’t need all the art supplies in the universe to complete your assignments! You can use whatever art tools you have. You will learn new ways of using what you do have, and be able to pinpoint what you may like to add to your creative life in the future without expensive trial and error.
Things that would be lovely for this workshop:
We will be using watercolours as the main art supply, so any watercolours you have will be great.
Pastel Pencils: any brand will do
Power Pastels: get it here
Inkredible Inks: get it here
Aqua Pastels: get it here
Magic Wand Colour Pencils: get it here
White Paint Pen: get it here
Watercolours: get it here
Pastels: get it here
Matte Skin Tone Acrylic Paint: get it here
Finishing Line Pens: get it here
A good internet service to watch the videos
For materials to create on:
But if you don’t have anything suitable, grab the following:
Watercolor Paper:
full details are in the classroom
Book Binding items if you want to make your own journal:
Check out my Book Binding kit here.
Watercolour Art Journal: get it here

“Vitamin sea is AWESOME! Although I had done art previously, I had never heard of journaling before. So 1 year ago I signed up to one of Jane’s online classes and loved her fun, informative and super encouraging positive teaching style. I have learnt so much about art supplies, trusting my art, journaling and mixed media techniques. Jane made me giggle along with her. Having all the other classmates sharing their art and creative minds and ideas is both inspiring and fun. The biggest thing I have taken from Jane’s lessons is to enjoy the process and keep going. So now I don’t stress as much, trust the creative process and enjoy my art a whole lot more.”
Andrea, Australia

“Vitamin Sea was THE BEST ever! I must say that each time I take one of Jane’s classes, I decide that it was also the best class I’ve ever taken. They are always a lot of fun. In Vitamin Sea, Jane shows new ways of using traditional art media, combined with contemporary art materials which results in a new, fresh style. It’s a good class for both beginners and for more experienced artists. For anyone thinking of taking this class, I’d say “do it and have fun”
Cindy, Australia

“I came to Jane’s classes as a new and very insecure artist…dare I even use that word to describe myself. After taking Wonderland I gained skills and confidence. After Vitamin Sea I was ready to call myself an artist. She works magic. Don’t miss out.”