Is this really happening? My book is #1 in Painting on Amazon.
#1 in Mixed Media.
#1 in Human Figure Drawing.
It won’t last forever, so I am relishing and cherishing these rankings as they happen. Celebrate the moments.

There are 63 five star reviews. WOW.  The reviews are just so helpful to people wondering if the book is the right fit for them. I love reading them!I am so appreciative of everyone who has left a review, and I believe that those reviews are what is fueling the books success so far, or having a big impact at any rate.

You can see it them here:

  • Even if you didn’t get the book from Amazon, you can still  leave your own ‘helpful-to-others’ review too if you like – I would sure appreciate it! Most bad reviews  that books get on Amazon seem to stem from the person having misunderstood what they were ordering and being disappointed. Your review is independent, and can help people get the book they are after.
  • ( You can get signed copies of the book from me: here!)
  • I planned and designed every element of my book. I was meticulous. I looked at it from my students point-of-view, and kept what would be most helpful as the main focus. It’s the same way I plan my workshops. But I never thought it would go to #1 in it’s categories. Never. I mean , how many awesome art books are there in the world? There hasn’t even been any publicity yet!
  • My next wish for my book is that it gets picked up in other languages… I would love to see translations of it around the world!


And while I am in the dreaming and wishing mood:

  • I really want to add to my own art supply range. I know a thing or two about teaching people how to embrace their creative selves, and there are some tweaks I would make to some of my favourite top quality artist’s materials  to get them working better for me and for my favourite peeps in the world ( my students!).
  • I have my fab set of Peerless watercolours, my Stencils with artistcellar and my OWN PEN is on the way…
    But there is so much more to share. So there Universe, do with that what you will!


Today I am working in my studio, reorganising things as my new studio lights have arrived ( they are fancy schmancy!).  I LOVE organising my space! I have already gone through that horrible messy phase where despair and angst of why I ever started  moving everything around. I’m in the “Oh man! this is going to be Freakin AWESOME!” phase.

In other news, my Supplies Me workshop is going so, so well. I keep saying it, but I attract fantastic people. It’s a total arty party in the forums, artwork is pouring in, everyone is chatting and having a ball. We all are mad about art supplies you see. We all have Rainbowitis. It’s great fun – you should join us if you haven’t already!

I hope you have a few FReakiN AwesoME phases of your own this weekend!





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    Welcome to my blog Davenpeeps!

    If we haven’t met yet, I’m Jane Davenport! I’m a professional artist, art workshop teacher, 5x bestselling author, art supply creator and self-diagnosed art supply addict!

    I’m a creativity expert who has guided tens of thousands of women back to their art, defying their self imposed creative gravity and making art with joy and confidence. I share my mixed media art and drawing techniques with everyday artists who feel their creativity calling them to play with colour, texture and their art supplies. I hope my blog can help you embrace the mess, let go of perfectionitis and experience the joy of creativity.


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