My Book, the Garden Guardians won a prestigious prize at the Horticultural Media Association's night of nights. This...
Bali Was Art Journal heaven…
I nearly filled a whole journal in Bali... I cocooned myself into my own little art Nest that was balanced on a cliff...
Just a quick workshop "heads up"!
The hugely fun and popular Supplies Me online Workshop is open for Self Study. The 'live class' is still happening, so...
Life book – a year of journaling
I am one of the teachers for Lifebook! Which is a year long event created by super-sweetie Tam Laporte at the...
Peerless Palette – my invention for happy creative travels!
This is a video I made for my friend Maxine! It shows how to make my awesomely nifty Peerless Palette from the...
I am an awesome-people magnet.
I am attracting just the BEST people lately...all year actually... I think it is actually a Super Power that I am...
30,000 views on YouTube
also, over the weekend, my YouTube channel hit 30,000 views - wha?! craaaaaazy!
Spectrum Noir Alcohol Markers
Hello?! - A new alcohol marker is about to be released! I got to test them in Brisbane...The Spectrum Noirs are very...
Supplies Me causes Email Avalanche!
Art Journal, Art supplies, Workshops
♥ Supplies Me ♥ has become a force of nature! It's a big class, and there is a ton of excitement going on. I have my...
Art Journal, Creativity, Workshops
Well, I am astounded at the response to my Online Class. Not only has there been a huge sign up - but everyone is so...
Supplies Me Online Workshop is here
Art, Art Journal, Art supplies, Creativity, Workshops
Click play for your invitation! httpsv:// I love art supplies and drawing...
Seattle – here I come!
Art, Art Journal, Creativity, Workshops
Yes, its OFFICIAL. *she screams!* I am teaching at Teesha Moore's Artfest Annex in Seattle in Feb 2012... Hooley...