This series of Livestreamed videos are not edited and far from perfect, rather, they are full of life, spontaneity and...
WaterColour on the Artvent Calendar!
Here are the WaterColour Videos for Artvent Calendar! You can find all of the watercolour palettes in the Watercolour...
Warm and Cool colour mixing with Watercolour!
Join in: ARTvent ❤️ Calendar Join me for the Livestream each day until Christmas! Jane...
Magic Wands on the Artvent Calendar
Here I am LIVE with all the spontaneous shenanigans! Magic Wands are here: click Join in: ARTvent...
Artvent: Finishing Line Pens
Things I used: Neutrals watercolour palette Finishing Line Pens Symmetry Grid Join in: ARTvent...
ARTvent Calendar November
Join me for the ArtVent Calendar creative prompt Challenge! "But Jane", I hear you say, "Advent calandars start in...
Fun October prompts!
From Yikes to likes- a lesson in perseverance!
The joy and challenge in art is to do it! The good, the bad and the ugly are all just phases... See Layercakes ( my...
Shine Bright with me!
Art Challenges, Creative prompts, Creativity
Let’s s focus on the positive, embrace colour and draw with joy! Drawing and painting in response to a daily prompts...
Alice in April!
Hellooooooooo! Hair are the creative prompts for April as we tumble down the rabbit-hole into Alice in April I...
Fairy Christmas! Prompt Challenge
This time of year is a busy one for many people and 2020 has bought along a suite of new challenges! Even under normal...
Hairloween- October prompts!
Hellooooooooo! Hair are the creative prompts for October as we dive into HAIRloween! I hope you join in . If you LOVE...