To celebrate 'Whimsical Girls' just going into the world (the latest is Michaels stores), we have a great giveaway! We...
Mixing 125 INKredible colours!
Art Life, Art supplies, Davenpeep Guest Post
I have a FANtastic Facebook Group called' Jane Davenport Mixed Media Artomologists" ( click here to join). This is...
Artomology Collection created with Spellbinders!
Art Journal, Art supplies, Artomology, Spellbinders
The Artomology Collection I created with Spellbinders is here! The Collection is full of color and useful art tools to...
Hollywood glitter sprinkles
Art Journal, Art Life, Jane Davenport Mixed Media, Planner
I woke up this morning to discover one of my favourite Actresses is a Davenpeep! I wondered why my Instagram was...
Express Yourself workshop Starts on Monday 31!
Express Yourself goes 'Live' on On Monday 30th, 10am AEST (Sydney Time). When one of my existing online...
Monster Mash – World Watercolour Month!
Hello Davenpeeps! I hope this post finds you well! A little mermaid told me it was World Watercolour month!! so I got...
World Watercolor Month Challenge!
Art supplies, Jane Davenport Mixed Media
I can't let World Watercolor month slip past without a celebration! So for the last half of the month we have a...
Paint Labels!
Art supplies, Jane Davenport Mixed Media, JDMM
Have you seen the paint name labels I have available? There are 20 colours in my matte acrylic paints now. Each...
My book launch and an art tutorial!
Art Life, Jane Davenport Mixed Media, The Book
Join me on an adventure to launch my new book at Kinokinuya Sydney! I used Aquapastels, Power pastels, mermaid...
Magic Wands – My Fave Jane Supply
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Beautiful memories
Jane Davenport Mixed Media, JDMM
I have two beautiful posts to share with you using 'Jane Davenport Mixed Media' and 'Heidi Swapp Storyline' with...
Makers Series featurette: Art Journaling
Want to hear me chat about Art Journaling, How I started and a mini art journaling tutorial? This feature was filmed...