Hello Davenpeeps! I wanted to do a tiny video on how VERSATILE the journal girdle is! This little pocket rocket pouch...
Eyes of the Soul by Tonja Sell – part 3 and 4
Let's continue on with Tonja in the final videos of 'Eyes of the Soul': Washi Tape will never be the same!...
Eyes of the Soul by Tonja Sell – Part 1 & 2
I LOVE experimenting with new materials and using them in non-traditional ways! Scrapbooking and journaling aren't a...
Beautiful Swatch Grids!
Art supplies, Jane Davenport Mixed Media, JDMM
This next post is from our guest blogger! I noticed Melissa Bochat's lovely colour grids on Instagram and asked if she...
Watercolor Mixing Chart for Jane Davenport Bright Palette
Hello Davenpeeps! Tiffany here with a fun watercolor mixing chart for you to experiment with. Simply download and...
a looooooooong time coming!
I have never been so busy in my whole life. Angus would heartily concur. So, I reached out for help. This has been a...
Packaging With Purpose {Part 2}
In my last post, I shared how I LOVE these nifty little things called tip-ins and showed you how to make a tip-in from...
Packaging With Purpose {Part 1}
I have a confession to make: I am a little bit of a paper hoarder. Ok. I'm A LOT of a paper hoarder! So when I saw the...
Gigi’s Journal
Art Journal, Jane Davenport Mixed Media, JDMM, Planner
Gigi is a beloved Davenpeep! And when I saw this project on her Instagram feed I asked her to share it here for us as...
Eye Love YOU! – Valentines Day Quick Project!
Hello Davenpeeps! My name is Courtney Diaz and I'm a Davenparty member here to share a quick and adorable project with...
Planning With Watercolor
Hey Y'all!!! It's Ali Brown here with the Davenparty and I'm SUPER excited to share with you how I am using Jane's...
Calling all Davenpeeps!
Weeeeeere off to see the Wizard, the wonderful Wizard of Oz! Are you going to skip down the Creative yellow brick Road...