Yes, its OFFICIAL. *she screams!* I am teaching at Teesha Moore's Artfest Annex in Seattle in Feb 2012... Hooley...
Feeling Sew-sew!
I am an advocate of courage in the face of drawing fear. I encourage my students to trust the mess, and have fun...
Drawing Pretty faces ( New Video!)
Art Journal, Creativity, Workshops
Look at the work my Draw Happy 'Live' students did! My goal at the beginning of the class was to get everyone to draw...
Sharing my Passion for Art Journals and Drawing
I had my first LIVE 'Draw Happy' class on the weekend inside my 'Institute of Cute' gallery. Sharing my passion for...
Im teaching 'Draw Happy' in Byron Bay!
Exciting news! As Chief Artomologist of the Institute of Cute, I create just about everything in the store. I have to...
Yes, I am a superstar now.
Ok, I have to share this with you. Teesha Moore did a page in her Art Journal about me...yes, I am officially a...
Comfort Drawing
I felt like crying...that "I've given up and need to lay down with my head in a pillow and sigh and let tears roll...
Pretend I packed You in my Suitcase – Finding Monet
Did you know that "The Impressionists" was originally coined as a derogatory term for the new wave of artists that...
My 'Go With The Flow' Art Journal!
Art Journal, Art supplies, Art Travels, Creativity
Get your dancing shoes on! Or just shimmy-up-a-storm in your seat, as i have the time of my life creating my Art...
Lovely Feature
Ooh look at this lovely feature of my store and artwork in Lifestyle Asia !
Lesley Riley and transfer love!
I mentioned meeting the fab Lesley Riley just before I headed off on my European Art Adventure at the big Papercraft...
Pretend I packed you in my suitcase – Portugal
Art Journal, Art Travels, Creativity
Hoo boy...I'm on the cloud above cloud 9. I'm staring down at cloud 9 with binoculars. I came to Portugal expecting an...