A bit of Danger for less than a coffee!
Last year Jenn Mason and the Cloth paper Scissors Team created ‘Art Lessons’. They invited some wonderful artists to create a small lesson to be offered for a a few bucks – hello! The whole idea is to get people creating. This year, it’s...Stencil Hop -skip- jump!
When I was in Bali at my Escape Artist Retreat, we had an advance set of my new face stencils to play with! I saw some fab artwork come to life. This series shows a beautiful mermaid that Diana Rast created. She had the collage and the basic shape already prepared,...
Hooley Dooley – Cue the Circus Music!
It’s just a few hours before Teesha and I swish back the curtains at the Mermaid Circus. No boobies are allowed on Ning, sooooo…. I have had to create my own site! I mean we are talking Mermaids here, and they are rather notorious for exposing their...
Mermaid Circus Online Workshop
It’s here, my new Workshop! Mermaid Circus is an Online Workshop unlike any other… For a start it is a collaboration with Teesha Moore. Yes, THE Teesha (helloooooo!). Teesha and I are very good friends. I just adore her and her amazing art. So I...How do you make fairies even more magical?
They are already magic beings, right? Immortal, shimmery, able to disappear, fly and recreate reality on a whim…This was the dilemma facing me as i prepared for the Live version of Joynal starting on November 12th. I know it’s a reeeeeeeeally busy time of...Was it a Dream?
What is it with holidays seeming like they were soooooo long ago, from the minute you get home? It’s only been a month since I last felt the warm bali breeze on my skin, but its seems like eons ago… Luckily I have more than my memories to rely on. I have...Artomology Workshop at The Nest overlooking Byron Bay
Artomology Mixed Media Workshop Date: Saturday and Sunday, November 24 and 25 Time: 10 to 4.30 each day cost: $420 includes a $25 Materials Fee. At The Nest: Jane’s House and Studio overlooking Byron Bay. Full details are here...
Mermaids and markers. Copic love.
Did you know my first ‘real job’ was as a Fashion illustrator? I even went to Paris to study at the Institute of Fine Arts. Alcohol-based Markers were my weapon of choice because they are clean and quick to work with. I still have my collection, and there...Painting in Paradise
I have just finished my latest Youtube vid! It features my favourite beach, me painting in my studio and some wonderful music! httpsv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EslL6DldUJI
Mermaids on my mind with Suzi Blu
I just love a good supernatural hybrid, and the maids of the sea have long held my heart in their cold, wet hands. So when the teachalicious Miss Suzi Blu started talking about a whole class dedicated to them, I was immediately on the list! I started drawing them...
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