My next GRAND online workshop ARTventure is based on the rich story and archetype characters from the Wizard of Oz. I...
It’s all here!
The new website is here! The new School is here! The new workshop is here! I haven't finished the Invitational video...
Davenparty Design Team Call!
Art supplies, Creativity, JDMM
Are you super-creative, love art supplies and feel ready to show the world your artwork? Then I want you to read on...
Italy, Carmel and sneak peeks!
I have been very busy since my #janessecret announcement with a trip to the USA and now I'm in Italy. If I'm not...
My Secret is…….
Art, Art Life, Art supplies, JDMM
I am so delighted to tell you this news! Janeuary will be here before you know it! You may have to ask for Gift...
join me in a few hours for my secret!
Did you follow along on the countdown for #janessecret? If so, thank you for your lovely company! The announcement...
Announcement Countdown!
Art, Art Journal, Art supplies, Art Travels, Why I'm called 'Danger'.
Australia 7th Sept 10am AEST USA 6th Sept 6pm MDT I will be live broadcasting from my Facebook Page...
Exclusive Peerless Colours!
I worked with Peerless to create 5 custom colours for the ‘Jane Davenport Peerless Artist Edition’! You can get them...
Let's have a yummy Giveaway! I have some sets of super- pigmented Schmincke colors - you just have to sign up to my...
The Art of Crayon
Art Life, Art supplies, Creativity
I contributed to a brand new book by the lovely Lorraine Bell celebrating the wonderful and humble crayon! One of my...
Mermaids on Monday!
Vitamin Sea starts on Monday! I absolutely adore the monumental effort of creating my online workshops. Its fun! I do...
Watercolor give-away!
It's World Watercolour Month! So let's have ourselves a little celebration about watercolour shall we? Do you LOVE...