I needed a break from all this website building - it's just me in my eagle's eerie squirelling away at this stuff...(...
Blog Wrangler
Wow - I decided to update this blog...and then I started tinkering with my store website... and 3 x 16 hour days days...
I woke up this morning and I just had to change my website! so...there will continue to be some changes - or as David...
2011 – Year of the Pencil!
Yes - I am calling it! It's 2011 and it's the Year of the Pencil! Surely I am not the only one obsessed by these...
Oil and Charcoal – who knew they went together?
Did you know that charcoal and oil pastel were made for each other? I didn't either! And they are, they are! they...
Goodbye to a beautiful year
I vote 2010 as a truly great year! I came back to drawing, unveiled a passion for paint, tumbled in love with Art...
Coloured Pencil Musings!
I have a love addiction with coloured pencils. It started pretty early in life. I had a super-wild set of Derwent...
Mermaid Milestone
Yesterday was a huge day in my creative life. I put my paintings in the public eye. I have two paintings on canvas in...
Feeding my creativity some breakfast…
OK...I am doing a painting class with the super divine Connie Hozvicka from Dirty Footprints Studio. I have an...
Oil pastel Surprise!
I did a 'Mixed Media' workshop with Janie Barker on the weekend. I took along my oil pastels...which until about 2...
Giggling watercolour
I love my Twinkling H20's watercolour paint. They are so sweet! I started out with 6...and then...well...I ended up...
Introducing M.O.T.H – My Own Two Hands!
OK! So here is the new PROJECT. Angus my amazing, super awesome husband has been talking about making some 'things'...