INktober is an online event organized each year to celebrate INK, and one of my beloved Davenpeeps, Amber Button, had...
Feeling Foxy!
Jane Davenport Mixed Media, JDMM
'Davenpeep' Amber Button posted the story of her husbands tattoo in the Jane D Mixed Media Group, and I asked her to...
One BIG Design Team- Loving living LIVE!
Art supplies, Jane Davenport Mixed Media, Uncategorized
I'm having so much fun with my YouTube Live streams of the new 'Jane Davenport Mixed Media' Collection. They are...
More Bees Please! Nature Sketching
I'm racing to get my plein air sketching done before the Wisconsin weather prevents me from being outside ....(for...
Child’s Play
Jane Davenport Mixed Media, JDMM
Create Children’s Characters using DIY Face Stamp After watching James Burke’s video on altering Jane’s...
A new Collection! Janeuary twice in one year
Jane Davenport Mixed Media, JDMM
What a wonderful thing to happen! Two FULL collections released in one year? Amazing. On October 2oth the collection...
Painting Autumn!
I LOVE sketching outside! Nature Study: Autumn Leaf by Tonja Sell for Jane Davenport from Tonja Sell on...
Need an Escape?
Art, Art Journal, Art Life, Workshops
I'm preparing my newest workshop and I am leaping with joy about it ( seriously... wait to the end of the video!)....
Mermaid Flower Power!
Art supplies, Davenparty, Jane Davenport Mixed Media, JDMM
Using Mermaid Markers to make Flowers By Victory Nichols One of my favorite supplies in the JDMM line is the...
Swirls & Whirls!
Jane Davenport Mixed Media, JDMM
Hello my creative friends, I am super excited to share one of my favorite techniques with Mermaid Markers with you...
Head in the Clouds!
Davenparty, Jane Davenport Mixed Media, JDMM
Hi Davenpeeps! Summer is winding down here, and I don't want to do anything in this weather except lounge and make...
Spray Play!
Art supplies, Davenparty, Jane Davenport Mixed Media, JDMM
Spraying with Jane Davenport's paints and markers I love spray inks and really anything that can be sprayed through a...