Latest Instagram highlights from Jane. [instashow source="@janedavenport" rows="4" info="likesCounter commentsCounter"...
Vitamin Sea – my new online workshop!
Registration open now! Your Invitation ( press play): The essentials: Class starts August 1st 8 week 'Live' Workshop...
busy, busy, busy!
I've been a busy little bee with my trip to the USA, in-person workshops and demonstrations; and filming for upcoming...
Jane looks at…Winsor & Newton Pigment markers
Hi all, My next column for Cloth Paper Scissors is in the current issue!
I forgot!
oops! I am in such a flurry of preparing for my next round of workshops and life in general I completely spaced on...
‘Ever After’ is open for Registration!
Click here to view more details A wonderful collaborative workshop about fairytales! My fellow teachers are wonderful...
Blog Hop and Giveaway- yay!
As you know, I love using fairytales as source material for my art, so of course I said 'yes' when I was asked to...
The problem with using art supplies that are not Lightfast and how to get around that!
As a general rule, anything not labelled ‘artist quality'; or not specifically marked ‘lightfast’ is usually not...
“One of the Greatest online art teachers in the WORLD” – I’ll take that!
When you receive an email newsletter from people you very much admire and the first line knocks you off your feet,...
Ever After – a new collab workshop!
I have some wonderful & exciting news! I am going to be teaching on Ever After 2016! As you know, I love using...
Ever After – new workshop & Giveaway News!
I have some wonderful & exciting news! I am going to be teaching on Ever After 2016! As you know, I love using...
” Jane Davenport’s Greatest Wish”
Cloth Paper Scissors, Creativity
What a lovely surprise ! This email from Cloth Paper Scissors titled "Jane Davenport's Greatest Wish" has a little...