I have been so deeply excited about launching this new workshop, that I was starting to dither... getting caught up in...
A new( to me) pen discovery.
I'm having some arty girlfriend time this weekend - it's wonderful! Not only have we created and laughed, they are...
Playing Favourites
I have a new article in my 'Jane looks at ' series in Cloth Paper Scissors Magazine. This short video shows the page...
and the winner is!
Well, that was a lot of entries! Thank you to everyone who entered for a Scholarship to 'Miss Quoted'! I have really...
Getting ready… and Scholarship!
When Joanne Sharpe and I filmed here at the Nest earlier this year, we KNEW what we were creating together was...
A new workshop called ‘Miss Quoted’!
When Joanne Sharpe was at 'The Nest' we did a little secret filming and created a fantastic online workshop! 'Miss...
Pre-Raphaelite Magic Strikes Again….
My London Escape Artist Retreat is in just a few short weeks... I am just so excited about spending time in that...
Lifebook Blog Hop Winner
Lifebook registration opens soon and I hope you pop in and join from my blog when the time comes! But in the mean...
Life Book 2016 Blog Hop & Give Away!
Click here to view more details Hello everyone! I have some wonderful & exciting news! I am going to be teaching...
A beautiful new Collection!
Interweave have put together a sweet collection for my book, Art Lessons and 6 of my favourite watercolours from...
Scholarship winners!
WOW - 600 + entries for the Scholarship - you all kept my eyeballs VERY busy! Here are our winners: Laura Quick "My...
JOYnal Give-away and Scholarship!
My next online class is called JOYnal and the excitement is building up in the Facebook group already. We have some...